Paralake One (TV Network)

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Paralake One - Director
Michelle Bowman (@Riekelt, 687-1260)

Paralake One - Paralake News Network Manager
No One

PNN - Journalists
Dmitrii Ermakovich (ErmakDimon, 752-6695)

PNN - Camera Crew
Olivia Dunham ([CVA] Puffy Sandvich, 173-0297)
Zuko Donrey (Ysauzi, 154-7563)
Jon Marston (BlitZKrieG, 548-4970)

PNN - Editors
No One
What is Paralake One?
Paralake One is your local TV Network, we'll be providing anything from news to reality shows!
Our main program is PNN, your local news program!

We'll be keeping you up to date with what is going on in the huge city of Paralake!
Live reports on police chases, shootouts, bank robberies and of course your boring economical news.
How can i tip Paralake News Network about evens?
Call any of our employees, they will relay the info to our Journalists.
How do i join Paralake One?
You apply right here:
How can i recognize Paralake One Personel?
You can recognize us by our Paralake One TV badges if we are recording in public, if not then you'll find us at the Paralake One HQ.
Organization Rules
1. You may never carry a firearm while working on something for Paralake One.
2. You may not break any laws while working on something for Paralake One.
3. You may not damage any Paralake One properties.
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I really like the idea of the org page yall should take some screen shots of events and interview gangs.
Great idea. I saw some [PNN] adverts before ;) It's good that there's finally a non raid,mug,grow organization here. I hope this gets off for some more RP
Currently working on setting up the actual viewer, i'll be using Javascript and PHP to generate a page, which will display the clip that is currently in the queue and of course the real time ticker which is also hooked up to PHP, to determine wether it should be displayed or not and its contents, this is to simulate a real TV station, when we have no programming for the moment, it'll pick a random music video from youtube and play it. :p
If this group is active, it will really benefit from the new suggestion that was made here. Be sure to support the suggestion thread and become more active if it is passed.


Member of PERPHeads.
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