The Paralake News Group

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The Paralake News Group ©

Who are we?

The Paralake News Group was officialy created in The basement of Dave Kearney's mother.
Dave always followed the news, adventualy starting his own Pitch stream, called:
The PNG Live.
After a few weeks, that stream became popular under the citizens of paralake. Adventualy, dave had the oppertunity to work along PLN. Since that day, The paralake News group, Became a powerful network. With now hosting a radio and TV channel, in the beloved Paralake City


What is our goal?

Our goal is to bring all live action to all paralake citizens, even a cheeky swat officer can follow along the radio or a television, about all the latest events happening in paralake.

How about financial cases? Can i advertise my store?

Ofcourse you can!
If your store is not doing so well, you may place a 30 second max advertisment on our radio/TV channel for the small sum of 3000 Dollars!
You'll be contacting the radio master, on his business shop. Cant miss it, just follow the music!

Can i join?
Yes, you can!
You're free too apply for this job, even with no experience!
You'll be guided step by step on how to do your job. We constantly hire, so stay tuned!

Okay, I'd just like to say a few things. On PERPHeads, $3000 is a lot for some people. Anyone who doesn't do drugs or work constantly isn't just going to be able to drop $3000 for an ad that someone MAY be watching. Expanding on that last bit, people don't seem to watch these. I wish people did, because I would personally but it causes these groups to disband. Sure this post is a bit negative and I bet i'll get a little bit of hate for it but that's just who I am.

-Note: In no way am I discouraging you from doing this, in fact i'd love it if there were and active news group so I can watch what's going on in the server. I can't play on it anymore because my Garry's Mod client refuses to let me join. However, good luck and I how this one stays around for a while.