Map Suggestion Paralake city soundscapes

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Suggestion Title: Paralake city soundscapes
Suggestion Description: I am willing to make these soundscapes myself!

The idea here is to add ambience to the map, similar to that of evocity, but not shit and super loud like Evo city was.

Ambience should be in place to:
- Make the map feel more vibrant.
- Drown out distant sound effects that shouldn’t be entirely audible. Doors opening cut through silence like lightning from the gods of Olympus themselves.
- Make gunshots less like the aforementioned lightning of Olympus.
- Increase the viability of suppressors as the soundscape would add more frequencies similar to that.

Ideas for soundscapes include:
- Forest:
General: Bird song and bug noises. Occasional breeze sound.
Near water: Occasional splashing and bubbling from the water.

- City:
General: Distant cars, occasional horn honks. Wind flowing between buildings. Planes flying overhead occasionally. Pigeons cooing.
Hospital: faint medical machine noises, Air conditioning. Occasional phone ring.
Bank: Occasional phone ring. Air conditioning.

General: Distant bird song only.
Subs Park: Swings occasionally creek with the wind.
The back of suburbs: River sound, distant waterfall since there’s one there.

General: Distant crane noises. Car and overhead plane ambience.
Casino: smooth lobby jazz.
Bazaar: very faint bazaar music.
Puffermart: Air conditioning. Could add faint music that’s toggleable with a button potentially (might be pushing it).
Docks: Boat sounds, Containers being moved, Whirring noise, seagulls.

Diner / bakeries: Cooking sounds.
Gun store: Faint shooting sound as there’s a gun range underneath it. This should only be audible from inside the shop.

Why should this be added?:
- Makes Paralake feel more alive.
- No more super hearing distant sounds like doors opening and cars being locked.

What negatives could this have?:
- might be annoying.
omg I remember when they switched to evo way back in 2019 and left the soundscapes in for like 1 day before removing them and I actually loved them. Made it feel like an actual city for some reason and also some nostalgia from half life which is always good.

I think these would be great and I agree they should be togglable for people who would prefer them off
I’m all for this as long as you can disable it in the options.
Defeats the point entirely as part of its reason is to drown out distant or generally less audible sounds in urban areas. This will make raiding with suppressors significantly more viable.
As long as we have custom soundscapes that are not too loud I'm all for it, the soundscapes in Evo City was a constant war zone with combines dying in the back so please lets not re-use HL2 assets lol

Making them a toggle would be even better (Bazaar music anyone?)
Defeats the point entirely as part of its reason is to drown out distant or generally less audible sounds in urban areas. This will make raiding with suppressors significantly more viable.
im on this side, this is a good idea but it also can't be toggled off as it would be simply too much of an advantage. immersion is broken and turning it off would encourage more esport players to tune their settings to a way that would make for less roleplay and more shootouts and violent crime since all the rest of the players or cops they go up against probably don't have the configuration of a hardcore perpheads criminal so they're at a constant disadvantage. It can also be an advantage to the criminals who choose to use suppressors as mentioned above.
moved to denied hmmmmmm
fr would love to see this, the city is DEAFANINGLY silent whenever a district isnt heavily populated and it results with being able to hear suppressed gunshots from huge distances away, which in a city environment is fucking retarded since the sounds of the hustle and bustle of a city would drown out a suppressed .380 acp shot for example.
i cant see a lot of the crim mains liking this though since it'll make it harder for them to hear things like bobby pins, footsteps, and etc. while i personally think that it would be a good thing, a large amount of the server pop atm are sweaty tryhards
in my opinion, gmod mapper FIshke does some really good work with soundscapes and general ambiance in his maps, and I recommend people go check out his work as an example of what can be done in gmod. it adds so much life to the map, even if there's nobody playing on it in the moment.
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Maybe have the soundscapes play based on what is ongoing across the map such as shootings and distant sirens when there are so many being sounded, something more dynamic than same old sounds in certain areas would be a cooler idea
I already made a draft one for the beach / harbour area, and I have one for the hospital which I will be editing.
Here's the beach one.

I'll obviously mix it more and make it quieter.
I already made a draft one for the beach / harbour area, and I have one for the hospital which I will be editing.
Here's the beach one.

I'll obviously mix it more and make it quieter.
Add a random shiphorn+ship passing sound every so often. The tugboats in the dock move randomly so it would make sense we can hear them passing by or etc. Not like all the time but every so often or maybe just the ship sounds without horn. Other than that, its amazing.
Add a random shiphorn+ship passing sound every so often. The tugboats in the dock move randomly so it would make sense we can hear them passing by or etc. Not like all the time but every so often or maybe just the ship sounds without horn. Other than that, its amazing.
Listen to it and you'll hear that I did add a boat horn. As for the ship noises, the boats at the docks already make them.
Ye it will be great,but some players can annoy with that,so if some1 add that,please add option to reduce volume in options!
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