Paralake One Applications

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Thanks for showing interest in joining our organization, please fill in as much as you can:
Steam Name:
Character Name:
Phone Number:

Are you VIP:
Requested Position:
Why should we choose you over anyone else:
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Steam Name: Puffy Sandvich
Character Name: Olivia Dunham
Playtime: 1 Week
Phone Number: 173-0297
Are you VIP: Yes.
Requested Position:Camera Crew
Why should we choose you over anyone else: I show an extreme interest in joining a network to spread the word about Paralake. As camera crew I can provide the evidence and solid facts to the people. I have occasionally tried to write the reports myself (But failed badly, hence myself not being a journalist) I enjoy being lawful, therefore I would not intentionally break ANY laws while reporting. I will be able to assist the network greatly and will make supply runs when needed.

EDIT: Name now Aidan Dunham.
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Steam Name: Usual [PH] ErmakDimon, Christmas [PH] Ermak The Red Nised Guy
Character Name: Dmitrii Ermakovich
Playtime: A Week
Phone Number: 752-6695

Are you VIP:Yes
Requested Position:Journalist
Why should we choose you over anyone else:(IC) I am 30 years old citizen of Paralake, I worked for all the emergency services, so I know how the city lives. My Speech is very good, so I can talk on television to whole city. Finally, I know safe places in emergency situations and got a doctor diploma if something happens with the camera man.

(OOC) I am an experienced roleplayer, I have joined community in March and I was in many different situations, I can handle them very well.
Steam Name: BlitZKrieG
Character Name: Jon Marston
Playtime: 2 weeks
Phone Number: #548-4970
Are you VIP: Yes (Ends 10/1/15, 5 more days)
Requested Position: Camera Crew (one of my ideas requires me to be in this role. I don't mind being in a different role, but this would really support the org.)
Why should we choose you over anyone else: I am a 40 years old man, polite, and helpful. I decided im done with crime, just growing drugs and killing over and over again. I saw this org and it caught my eye. It looks like I will fit good in it. I think I can help alot, if its vehicles, to trasporting equipment. I have some ideas to give to the owner of this org to really make this org usefull not to us, but to the whole server and community. People want to know whats happening in the city, I believe this org can bring them what they want. Anyways, hopefully I get accepted to the org and if I do I hope I will fit well. And one last thing, I will PM you on the forums tomorrow with these ideas, I cant do it today.
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Steam Name: ITACO
Character Name: Zuko Donrey
Playtime: 2 weeks
Phone Number: #154-7563
Are you VIP: No
Requested Position: Transporter (My friend BlitZ recommended you that). If the idea isnt accepted im fine with a different position.
Why should we choose you over anyone else: I am coming back from EvoCity, and since im coming back I want to have fun in this gamemode instead of crime and money and such. I really dont have anything else to say, I hope you accept me.
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