Paralake Prison v2

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Main Idea: Make the Paralake City prison more extensive and not so much of an AFK spot anymore.

Full description of the idea: As of now, if you get arrested, you can sit on your desktop watching a 10 min video then get back to growing again, before being arrested for 10 years. It's a vicious cycle, and several people have suggested refining the prison, but have been denied due to the prison system seeming okay enough and maxinum punishments not being introduced yet. I feel that the Paralake Prison needs to be upgraded to a more punishmentary and extensive process then free time to watch videos.

First off, cells. Cells should be kept open at all times, except during lockdowns (avaliable from the prison guard's booth). They should consist of one bed, a toilet and a light in the celing. I'd suggest cells be able to walk around slightly in, enough space to squeeze in 3 people at max.

As of now, the main section of the prison block is just concrete floor and nothing else. I believe there should be benches with tables along the middle, with laundry baskets dotted around the side (see labour). At the end of the main area, there should be a 'food booth' with an NPC who dispenses boxes which replenish hunger (rations/daily meals).

In terms of prisons in real life, prisoners, believe it or not, earn money from doing labour (or at least food priveleges). I believe that including interactive laundry baskets would be the (boring, painful but paying) alternative to sitting in a cell. Inmates can press 'E' on the laundry barrel/basket and a crafting-like menu comes up, showing a picture of a dirty clothing, bleach, and a water bottle. You press on each until it goes to 100%, then a message pops up saying 'You earned $1 for preparing laundry'. Prisoners have to wait 5 seconds between each use.

In addition to a larger prison, prison guards would need to be placed in order to prevent all anarchy from breaking out. They would have a similar, but not the same, model to police officers, and equipped with a panic button, a textspace radio (similar to SS), a nightstick, zipties (in case prisoners are broken out), government keys, moderate armour, misdemeanor ticket SWEP (for giving out infractions), and a pistol/shotgun possibly avaliable from the police armoury in emergencies?

Why should it be added?: Like I said, right now the Paralake City jail isn't a place for any passive RP , it's just an AFK spot where people sit and don't learn their lesson. Mabye if this was implimented people like @LordTyla could run rehabliltation courses, or physcology hearings. Or parole, e.t.c (that could be going a bit too excessive).

- No more 'everyone is AFK in prison' scenarios.
- Another job for people
- PassiveRP in the prison
- People might actually learn from their mistakes
- Prison riot roleplay, gang roleplay while in prison

- Would require a map change
- People could get immersed in PassiveRP and then be released spontaneously

*Other additions:
- Increase jail time to 20 mins+ so prisoners can properly get immersed in PassiveRP
- Prisoners uncuffed while in prison, or tasks like getting food would be unrealistic @Blackdown
- Craftable shanks? @Teemo




As you can see, none of the guards have firearms, but they would be avalaiable in a prison armoury (PD armory) as well as full armor.
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We need to be able to make shanks in prison to kill the guard and escape.

To escape you should be able to get plastic from somewhere and be able to craft a mold, once you have got the mold you would sneak into a room which contains a key, you have to goto a 40 second animation of crafting it . Once you have it you can unlock the door but you would have to take out the guard as he could just arrest you.
Maybe a neat little idea for another suggestion to go along with a prison update would be to have an entirely separate prison inventory. When people are incarcerated, they aren't restrained while in their cell nor outside of it. What you could do is have players inventories be switched to a prison one that way they can collect items while they're in there in order to craft certain things like weapons or useful little tools or gadgets. I'm not sure, mainly just a thought I had while reading this and am putting in a little bit of insight of the possibilities with an update like this :)!
I think the times should be longer than 20 minutes at max, maybe 10 minutes multiplied by the years, so 10 years in jail would be 100 minutes, so you have a healthy hour and 40 minutes to reconsider murdering someone/murdering someone clumsy-like. If this happens I also think 3.4 when it comes to certain actions that could get you arrested should be removed, so instead of having a rule forcing you to be afraid of going to jail you could naturally have a distaste for jail.
Maybe a neat little idea for another suggestion to go along with a prison update would be to have an entirely separate prison inventory. When people are incarcerated, they aren't restrained while in their cell nor outside of it. What you could do is have players inventories be switched to a prison one that way they can collect items while they're in there in order to craft certain things like weapons or useful little tools or gadgets. I'm not sure, mainly just a thought I had while reading this and am putting in a little bit of insight of the possibilities with an update like this :)!
Another good idea would have the guards have the ability to extend a jail time, so if they see an inmate fight another they can convict them of assault.
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I've read through this and I think this is such a good idea! I've always used to try and see if I can have a talk to the guy in the opposite cell to see if he was AFK but they always are... I really hope this gets added!
I used to play on a SAMP server a looong time ago which had exactly this. I killed four people in a gang related shooting and got 40 years for it - 400 minutes, (6 and a half hours give or take). And honestly, it was fantastic. I met players in the prison who I then got with outside to do stuff with, traded commodities, there were prison brawls, the odd escape, it was a fantastic system.

To become a prison guard you had to have already been a police officer for 3 months OOC (which is kinda ehhh imo) and then take a separate test to ensure you could conduct yourself against inmates properly (I believe prison guards got paid 10 or 20% more than officers as it was seen as a bit of a 'boring' job).

Another reason the system was good was that funnily enough it discouraged murder. The gang I was in was an all-out drug war with the other and we saw them in our territory so obviously it was expected that we shot at them (4 of us in the car) but only I had ammo, thus why I got the heat. I believe the others got 2 or 3 years. But the point is that this could and probably will discourage petty murder. I can't count the number of times I've been walking in the woods, threatened, and then immediately shot, only for the perp (heh) to get 10 years, sit AFK, then come straight back out doing it again. Harsher punishment leads to less crime, and it develops character.

Granted the SAMP server had ~400 people on pretty much everyday so jobs were always generally occupied, but I'm sure a system like this could be implemented in PH but just on a smaller scale. 6 hours was a bit much though as it didn't count when you weren't online. Six full OOC hours whilst playing. It wasn't that bad but it certainly got boring at times, so maybe limit it to two hours? Just my 2 cents.
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If I wanted to spend 500 hours in a prison I would play ArmaRP
Perp is supposed to be a compact high action gamemode and this would turn off a very big portion of the players currently playing. If anything this would most likely just encourage suicide by cop in certain situations cause why spend a day in prison in a gamemode where things are realistic to an enjoyable extent and not realistic to the point where I would rather kill myself than face jailtime and just take the 5 minute respawn screen.
I am all for doing more while in prison, but having to wait that long is way too much for me, and what I suspect would be a large group of players also playing.
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I can imagine how this would go down:
> Prisons would become an RDM fest
> Prison Guards would be constantly dealing with prisoners shit
> Someone would bring in the parts for a gun, Build it, then get out of prison with the AK they built from parts police would confiscate IRL but cant on PERP
> Prison riot RP and prison Gang fight RP would literally just be a mingy RDM fest, and as we all know from this server and its community, Violence is constantly happening because of so much crime RP and the fact that its very easy to morally justify a kill on PERP.
> Prison being Micspammed
> More of a pain in the arse for cops
> The teleportation that occurs after a sentence is over could ruin RP sits
I think the teleportation should be disabled and either have police transport the prisoners to the prison or have the prison guards transport the prisoners on a specific vehicle like a prison bus.
Against the teleportation: Show them their time they need to sit, and when it's over they need to go to an exit zone or area. So they don't just get teleported away.
100% support this idea. Having prison be a little more meaningful would be great, and would really fit with the server's heavy focus on crime and policing. It'd make people consider their actions before randomly assaulting people in the street or such!

Prisoners should have orange jumpsuits like the stereotypical prison uniforms, and the prison sentences should certainly be upped (I think an hour is excessive, however.)

Additionally, the idea of the prison bus or whatever, could be condensed to a prison van! If you place the prison away from the police station, which would be a neat addition and give it some independency, you could change the arrest system. Instead, police bring suspect to a booking NPC in the police station, add the charges and time, and the prisoner is changed into the uniform. They're then left in the holding cell and an automatic 911 type message goes to the prison officers who drive a marked prison transport van to the station, collect the suspect and transport them. If there's no prison officers online, the cops can just do it in a cop car.
The reason I support this is that it provides opportunity for a prison break by ambushing the transport van etc. If you want to eliminate the people complaining about how long the transfer is, you can just start the prison timer from the moment they're booked so it includes the holding cell and van time.
Imagine the possibilities! High profile gang member getting a police escort to prison in the van with a small convoy as a gang maybe plans to break him out!

Overall I love this idea and really hope it happens
okay so I like the idea of doing such thing, it also allows police to hand harsher punishments in terms of prison adds more to the roleplay side of the server and just enhances the jail roleplay that currently is at a state of potato, prison breaks will be more intense as you can have inside jobs and all that. (maybe add a little visitors hours or something ??)

for the correction officers or jail guards there could be made another division (??) even maybe give em tasers when and if they get implemented fully... @Jordan

but after watching some streams from @Xquality have I noticed that we are already at the maps limits at what we currently have (correct me if i am wrong) making adding something like this pushing it even further.

also, wouldn't people get bored by being a correction officer, I mean I know a lot of people rather patrol around and catch criminals rather than watching over them when they are in jail...

just some of my toughts...

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