Paralake TSPD | Recruitment Application

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Paralake TSPD
Transport Security Protection Department
"When Transport Security is Needed, Were here"


  • You require to be enought mature to hold your (Cadet/Recruit) rank.
  • You require to have your own car, Any car really.
  • You require to be rich enought to buy your own weapons.
  • You require to have enought shooting experiance.
  • You require alot of driving experiance.
  • You must have skills to avoid police pursuits.

Application Template:

Apply Here
Paralake TSPD
Transport security protection department

"When Transport Security is Needed, Were here"


Main Info:

Steam name: YoloMuffin
Steam ID:
Steam Link:
Character Name: Sophia White
Age: 13

Main Application:
Why do you wish to join Paralake TSPD?: I allways want to protect things, I am looking for a org for minimal action
and this one is what i an looking for. I like the idea of this organization, When i play i craft,rob,dirve,shoot, but never protect.
I allways want to do something new.

Why do you think we will accept you: I have experience of action shooting, I can craft guns and i have enough money to make alot of guns, My car isn't fast but it's strong.

How many blacklist you have on record: I belive i have only one blacklist on record. It was from an admin that abused, We were raiding him and won, then he got angry and told that someone ticketed his car (Maybe someone did) he thought that was me and blacklisted me for 24-36 hours. He also told that there isn't anything on logs

How many bans you have on record: 2, But one of them was kind a fail, I report some cop but i had no proof so he said there is demos, I asked how to find them he said pers Demos and click Play ( or something like that) And i did.

Main info:

Steam Name: SenlinGames

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58843053

Steam Link:

Character Name: Robin Sen

Age: 13

Main Application:

Why do you wish to join the Paralake TSPD?: I wish to join because I’m used to things like criminal activity but I want to try out something new and to help you out.

Why do you think we will accept you?: I have been playing for a long time and I’m full of experience and I think I’m the right guy for this organization.

How many blacklists do you have on record?: None.

How many bans do you have on record?: 2, however, my last ban was 7 months ago.
Paralake TSPD
Transport security protection department

"When Transport Security is Needed, We're here"


Main Info:

Steam name: Puma123
Steam ID:
Steam Link:
Character Name: Jack Noah
Age: 13

Main Application:
Why do you wish to join Paralake TSPD?:
I want to join because, your org sounds interesting and cool. I feel this
org is really unique.

Why do you think we will accept you:
I'm good at shooting, being loyal, escaping from the popo. I have a really strong car called Cadillac Escalade 2012. I am also good at transporting goods when people chase me, but I need a friend beside me to do it right.

How many blacklist you have on record: I'm blacklist-free
How many bans you have on record: I don't have a single ban.
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