I got bored and decided to make an updated version of the Paralake Map. The one for V3 done by @Appricey was great but It was quite out of date missing things like Projex so I remade it and added things like DD locations. Some of it is quite squashed together but MSPaint is shit.

PD = Police Department
RC = Road Crew
I may have missed some parts so please let me know of anything

RED = Employment
BROWN = Gas Stations
GREEN = Properties
BLUE = Useable Buildings
PINK = Stores
YELLOW = Monorail Stations
WHITE = Misc Locations
ORANGE STARS = Drug Dealer locations
BROWN = Gas Stations
GREEN = Properties
BLUE = Useable Buildings
PINK = Stores
YELLOW = Monorail Stations
WHITE = Misc Locations
ORANGE STARS = Drug Dealer locations
PD = Police Department
RC = Road Crew
I may have missed some parts so please let me know of anything