PC Issue

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Hello, people of Perpheads

1-2 weeks ago my brother claimed that the pc has turned off itself when he was playing payday 2 and he tried to turn it on but it didn't work, I tried the CMOS method which is to remove the CMOS battery and place it again and unplug the power supply cable and try to press the turn on button and etc... it did work, the pc turned on but there is no signal for the keyboard, speakers, monitor, I proceed to test the monitor on my pc and it worked just fine... same to speakers and keyboard. But I think it's from the motherboard...any solutions?
I had the same issue i think, if i remember rightly it was something to do with my gpu and I had to get a new one. Whilst I was working with a repair shop to get my pc fixed, they suggested reinstalling my operating system which didn't work but may work for you. I wish you the best of luck because a pc not turning on isn't a very good sign :p
Have you tried using a different plug socket? Happened to me once and my PC wouldn't turn back on, turned out I had to go down stairs because a fuse switch turned itself off.
I had a problem once where my computer just shut down for no reason whatsoever. I tried swtiching everything but in the end it turned out it was the motherboard that was fried. Perhaps that is what happend to you?
I had this before, I was in the middle of a CS game and it just turned off, I went to my mates house across the road and see if I can use his PSU. What you’re describing sounds like your PSU, try and use someone else’s and that might solve your problem.
replaced my cousin's motherboard with the ruined pc and it worked, it seems that the problem coming from the motherboard, thanks to anyone who contributed in helping me