Police Suggestion PD SWAT

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Main idea: to bring back SWAT on the server like it was before

Description: I would like to see TFU completely deleted from the server and bring back SWAT. Like it was some years ago, where you only needed VIP to become a swat officer.
addition: only snr officer or cpl+ could become swat!

Pros: more fun on the server! More jobs for people that are very enjoyable. Nostalgic

Cons: none
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I agree with this partially if you're permanently barred from SWAT because I can't stand the idea of you lagging towards me in full TFU gear.

/inb4 @Daigestive says "Ironic *Gyazo link*" pog
That doesnt prove anything. I am TFU and I am opposed to this change but not because I'm TFU but rather than I'd rather not get shot by a spastic.
Main idea: to bring back SWAT on the server like it was before

Description: I would like to see TFU completely deleted from the server and bring back SWAT. Like it was some years ago, where you only needed VIP to become a swat officer.
addition: only snr officer or cpl+ could become swat!

Pros: more fun on the server! More jobs for people that are very enjoyable. Nostalgic

Cons: none
pay 2 play aint good u know
Cons: none

Please tell me you're joking... no cons?

Back then SWAT was a fucking mess although it was more inclusive. TFU in its state today is ALOT more inclusive then it was a year ago when I joined the command team. Sure, more people can become TFU; but with the tradeoff of proficiency in like all standards lol. TFU really isn't hard to get into, just use your brain and it shouldn't be hard...although I know how difficult this can be for some people. We literally got yelled at for making TFU extremely easy to get into by severely lowering our standards lmfao.
That's how it was years ago and it never hurt the server at all. I didn't see a single complaint tbh.
But it will get complaint, alot especially because people are now used to vip only giving you phys gun and more vehicles plus better oppertunity for money. Shouldnt be more. Im my opinion this is too much.
I'm unsure if this post is serious but I'll respond to it anyway, because it holds an important question: Should SWAT return?

For those that don't know, the SWAT functionality allowed for any player with VIP to gear up into a heavy armour and access semi-automatic/automatic rifles. Their main priority was to wait for a callout in the PD carpark, this was extremely tedious, therefore many SWAT members found their own ways of having fun such as creating mini training exercises etc. SWAT would usually delegate a leader too, someone who would call exactly what the group were doing when it came to responding to a firearms incident.

A few years later and now we have TFU:

The idea around TFU was to create a division full of capable members of the department, who want to specialize in providing necessary backup to standard Officers. This benefited the PD immensely, as there was always a group of people within a stones throw of a raid who would barge through the door and blindly shoot at anything that moved. I disagree with adding SWAT back in it's entirety, it just wouldn't work with the current dynamic of the department - Some people grip on to the nostalgia of SWAT, and whilst it did fit into the previous un-whitelisted department, I do not see it working now.

Despite my opposition to SWAT, I am in favour of refining this division, in order to shift it's focus toward dealing with only the highest priority scenarios. I believe many gameplay/policy changes have helped, but there still is of course room for improvement. I personally wouldn't outright bring SWAT back, I believe that would cause more issues than it would solve - I am however all for working with the community to improve the way that TFU works within the gamemode, whilst providing a fun experience for those playing this role.

TFU = Tactical Firearms Unit - One thing that this division isn't always achieving is their status of being "tactical". I believe more should be done in order to actually plan and execute tactical raids, allowing for more training amongst all members of this division.
many SWAT members found their own ways of having fun such as creating mini training exercises etc.

I think you mean cuffing each other, drawing cocks on the wall with nightsticks and going for mealbreaks every 3 minutes.
Ah yes, the first warning I ever got was for drawing a dick on the side of a wall with a nightstick. Good times.
Pretty much yeah, it was a shit show but many people have fond memories of messing about as SWAT and I guess that's what draws people toward wanting it back.
Its become so easy to get TFU Now anyways. All you have to do is pass a written exam, then get training, then go on to stage 3, where you do typical TFU scenarios against people with rifles and pistols with a whole squad backing you up. Quite often as well, you will have backup of 3-5 other applicants to help you.
Remember how you died instantly on all the scenarios and still passed because we carried you
Yeah the bar has certainly been lowered, meaning that lower quality Officers have the role of TFU. If I could go back, we would of limited TFU to a specific number of high quality Officers who actually want to engage with the tactical side of TFU. Right now, people apply for TFU simply because they get a bigger gun and can storm apartments, that wasn't the original intent with TFU.

People should be assessed upon the merit of their abilities, primarily their ability to plan and execute tactical operations rather than how well they can perform in a 1v1. The application process does seem like a bit of a mess, individuals shouldn't be able to pass simply because their team did well.
We've primarily been focusing on approach to a scenario, tactical movement, Well executed plans, coordination, and communication in our stage 3's since I got TFTO.

EDIT: Also individual performance is now assessed, it is no longer based on teams.
@Saint Wylde That's certainly an improvement, it needs to remain that way and be subject to regular audits to ensure that the process is fair and highlights only the most important skills of a TFO.
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