Community Suggestion Perma Ban Alts

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Parts Unknown
Suggestion Title: Perma Ban Alts
Suggestion Description: At the moment, if you alt - your alt account gets a Perma ban and only if an admin manually amends, the primary account will not be affected.

I propose we change it so that if you alt during a ban, your main account is also Permanently banned.

This way there is a real punishment for trying to avoid punishment.

Why should this be added?:
- Bans people taking the piss

What negatives could this have?:
-potential for some incorrect bans placed
It's gmod bro it ain't that deep, we always will try to find a workaround when something has been taken from us permission wise
A big reason to why this community is so successful is that there are strong punishments to people who break rules in the community.

You would struggle to find a community on any game that takes rules, cheating, safeguarding etc so seriously.

Yes it’s a game but it works because there are rules & consequences.
A big reason to why this community is so successful is that there are strong punishments to people who break rules in the community.

You would struggle to find a community on any game that takes rules, cheating, safeguarding etc so seriously.

Yes it’s a game but it works because there are rules & consequences.
no competition innit
I disagree with this,

People alt and its a mistake yes, but your pretty much saying, hay this guy who RDMed two people and got a 3 day ban, GET EM OUTA HERE NO WAY CAN HE BE A GOOD PLAYER. Again not saying ban evading doesn't show some level of lack of accountability, but I am saying that people who committed a minor mistake and are trying to play the sever after the fact shouldn't be barred from ever coming back. While yes their are several people who have come back from perma bans, hell at least 4-5 current staff have been given perma bans, most people don't try and come back after getting it. I like the system as it stands, ban the alt, make em wait.
I disagree with this,

People alt and its a mistake yes, but your pretty much saying, hay this guy who RDMed two people and got a 3 day ban, GET EM OUTA HERE NO WAY CAN HE BE A GOOD PLAYER. Again not saying ban evading doesn't show some level of lack of accountability, but I am saying that people who committed a minor mistake and are trying to play the sever after the fact shouldn't be barred from ever coming back. While yes their are several people who have come back from perma bans, hell at least 4-5 current staff have been given perma bans, most people don't try and come back after getting it. I like the system as it stands, ban the alt, make em wait.
So you don’t think there should be any punishment whatsoever for trying to avoid the punishment?

I understand @rxmeo view of a slight increase.

However I can’t agree that alting should go unpunished.
So you don’t think there should be any punishment whatsoever for trying to avoid the punishment?

I understand @rxmeo view of a slight increase.

However I can’t agree that alting should go unpunished.
I firmly disagree with perma banning them, I like how it is now, leaving it up to the catching staff member / original banning staff to choose a new length if desired
I firmly disagree with perma banning them, I like how it is now, leaving it up to the catching staff member / original banning staff to choose a new length if desired
I disagree with this,

People alt and its a mistake yes, but your pretty much saying, hay this guy who RDMed two people and got a 3 day ban, GET EM OUTA HERE NO WAY CAN HE BE A GOOD PLAYER. Again not saying ban evading doesn't show some level of lack of accountability, but I am saying that people who committed a minor mistake and are trying to play the sever after the fact shouldn't be barred from ever coming back. While yes their are several people who have come back from perma bans, hell at least 4-5 current staff have been given perma bans, most people don't try and come back after getting it. I like the system as it stands, ban the alt, make em wait.
I think extending their ban to their main like a week or so is completely fine and I agree perma banning is a stupid Idea
Ban evaders bans already get extended for successfully ban evading, simply attempting to ban evade and failing results in the account being automatically banned. Since they aren’t really doing any harm, there’s going to be no reason to extend the ban unless they spam the ban evasion attempts, in which case, the ban is extended typically.
Do you have any examples and factual evidence that the ban of alt accounts is the reason those communities died?

Back to being serious: To blame a community's death on a single thing is usually a bit overboard. To be fair though, the harshness and lengths of punishments can easily determine how long a communty stays alive.

I received my 2nd ban for:

I left for a year or so after that ban was over. It felt like I can't even make a mistake, without being booted off for a month. Keep in mind, that prior to that I had 1 ban, which happened a year before the incident and no warnings.

So from my experience: Yes. The punishments and lengths of them do influence how long a community stays alive.

A bit off-topic, but my point being that sure there needs to be a punishment, but it's only natural for someone to attempt and circumvent a ban. It shouldn't be ignored, but it should not be a 1 month extension..
As said by Benji above, I don't see a reason to extend people's ban if they get automatically banned for ban evading. They haven't gained access to the server since the system has caught them so they've done no harm. Although they shouldn't be doing it, I don't see how an extended ban let alone a permanent ban is necessary. It will just kill off the community. In my opinion, this is a really bad idea and I think over time it will have serious consequences for the player-count if implemented.