Photon ELS

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Topic: Use this ELS instead of the current one

Short explanation (in notes):
-it's free
-it has photorealistic lights
-it looks better than the current

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): i just found a new ELS system, and it looks great! It got all the server needs. So why don't we use it? At least for emergency vechicles. That would be great!

Optional additions:
-workshop link
The only reason that this might not be implemented is probably some technical stuff that Lord Puffs knows 'bout.
No, whats the problem with stephens lights? I mean Seriously they're great
[DOUBLEPOST=1424430222,1424429834][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyways it's been suggested and denied due to the lag and alot of other things it causes
Okay, this has been discussed before and overall the simple reason is that we're PERPheads; we don't take or use anyone elses plugins and put them into the server. Around 70% if not more is original code, and that's what makes PERPheads so amazing, we're barely even a PERP server.

Everything is coded by Fredy, Stephen and other things are made by Xquality and the lights were done by just that. The lights we currently have in game are amazing, yeah the ELS ones are pretty dank aswell but the ones we have do not really need to be changed.

It has also been suggested before to alter the lights and make them either brighter or the sirens louder; the current lights do exactly what they need to do and they're aesthetically pleasing enough already.

I'm more that 99% sure that this will get denied, so if you have any more suggestions about the emergency lights which you wish to change (for example the brightness, etc) it could be inputted into a new idea thread when thought out thoroughly.
As @John Daymon also said, without the correct coding or the way that Fredy / Stephen / Xq add it into the server it's possible it may add to the shed loads of FPS drop we currently have in the server.

I don't really know, hopefuly I've pointed out a few points why this can't be added; you'll have to get @StephenPuffs to add onto this answer but I'm pretty sure that his answer will be close to mine.
I'm with daymon on this one, I can't see a single thing wrong with @StephenPuffs lights. They are very lightweight and non demanding resourcefully and everything has been setup for it's use. I'd much rather have a custom system designed just for our use rather than one, you see everywhere. Plus photon is a large package, Personally the content file is already big enough in my opinion.
I agree with what AyJay said... the current lights we have are custom, fantastic, and mostly, lag-free, this system which has already been denied once, due to valid and outstanding reasons.
The vehicles aren't TDM as far as i know. Thats one problem.

Also, i agree with Ayjay on this one

The server is laggy as it is when 60 people are on, So how would adding extremely laggy lights make it any better? And the current lights are absolutely fine.
(Also this has been suggested and denied before and please use the search bar)
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