Server Suggestion Planter box attachments

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Description of the idea:
Adding 2 new planter box attachment: Timer and monitor.

The timer will have 3 settings:

- Ready
- Flowering
- Seeding

It will give you an exact time on how long your drugs will take to reach the desired phase.

It should require the following materials and items to craft:
- 2x refined metal 25% pure
- 4 chunks of plastic
- 4 scrap electronics
- 1 clock.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- a similar to how it used to be when you crafted one.
What negatives could this have? (cons):
- kinda useless for experienced growers

Description of the idea:
Adding a craftable “monitor” accessory.

The planter monitor will have 3 settings:
- ready
- Flowering
- seeding

The planter monitor will pause your drugs at the desired level of growing for up to 15 minutes once they reach it. Maybe it could also text the owner of the planter when the plants finished growing?

It should require the following materials to make:
5x scrap electronics
4x chunk of plastic
1x phone
1x clock
1x refined metal 50% pure
Why should this be added? (pros):
- Helpful
- People won’t be forced to sit inside a base and grow and could go out and RP or partake in raids and other shootouts whilst the machine does its work.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Might be OP

Other additions:

Both machines will be in their own new slot and will be able to be stolen from planters.​

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