Server Suggestion Alternative idea for advanced planter box confiscation.

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Description of the idea:
ALL advanced planter box attachments, such as pots, water tanks, light poles and radiators are seized when drugs are confiscated from planters.

Like my other suggestion, but less annoying I guess?

Why should this be added? (pros):
Would make people crafting and selling planter attachments actually have business again.
Money sink.
More metas in the crafting-selling economy (MUCH NEEDED RIGHT NOW DUE TO NO BUSINESS VENTURES IN PERP)
What negatives could this have? (cons):
Planter attachment finding being a pain to find if no one sells them.​
Yeah but i feel like fit would just hurt new players who dont know anyone who can craft this type of stuff neither have the crafting lvls to do so. Honestly can't imagine many if any people making a actual business out of it, as people can just craft guns/ammo for way more profit. And its just longing things out in general bit unnecessary in my opinion.
Yeah but i feel like fit would just hurt new players who dont know anyone who can craft this type of stuff neither have the crafting lvls to do so. Honestly can't imagine many if any people making a actual business out of it, as people can just craft guns/ammo for way more profit. And its just longing things out in general bit unnecessary in my opinion.
Back in the earlier days of the new system I sold plenty of planters at bazaar. The crafting price of a full planter without taxes is significantly less than the cost of an assault rifle without tax. It’s also unlikely a new player will be raided by police unless they fuck up, which this will just be a case of them learning the hard way. What you have to remember is drugs is currently the fastest gameplay mechanic money maker, we don’t want it to be easy for new players because if it’s easy for new players then it’s literally a cake walk for anyone with more than 1 weeks playtime.
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