Server Suggestion Advanced planter boxes confiscation idea 1:

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THIS IS IDEA 1 of 2 SUGGESTIOMS! #bringbackdiscussions.

Description of the idea:
Make advanced planters are confiscated as a whole again if its growing more than 3 plants when seized.

The reason behind this:
- Money sink
- Advanced planters give masses of profits in a single day and are invincible as is.
- Advanced planter boxes are cheap compared to how much money they can generate.
- The reason behind there needing more than 3 plants to seize the whole planter is people used to leave 1 plant in planters so police would seize the planters.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Would make people crafting and selling planters actually have business again.
Police would seize a whole planter.
Money sink.
More metas in the crafting-selling economy (MUCH NEEDED RIGHT NOW DUE TO NO BUSINESS VENTURES IN PERP)
What negatives could this have? (cons):
Planters being a pain to find if no one sells them.​
The whole basic planter can be confiscated yet the advanced one can't. I don't know how much pots cost to make/buy but I assume people have stockpiles of tanks and lights etc so it would impact the growing effect and make it so people wouldn't want to lose their planters.
The whole basic planter can be confiscated yet the advanced one can't. I don't know how much pots cost to make/buy but I assume people have stockpiles of tanks and lights etc so it would impact the growing effect and make it so people wouldn't want to lose their planters.
Pots and tanks, yes, currently not light bars though as those aren’t seized.

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