Server Suggestion Player skills/ traits and perks

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Suggestion Title: Player skills/ traits and perks
Suggestion Description: Add player traits and perks which can be assigned to give player characters boosts in certain fields.

I’ll explain my proposed idea:
- Perks will be relevant to player skill levels, and can be chosen upon gaining xp in certain fields. These can be reset at the hospital for a large sum of money. There should be a limit of 6 perks per player. Maybe 8 for VIPs?
- Traits will be chosen with no requirement and will cost significantly more to reassign. Players will get to pick 2 traits. Unlike perks, traits will have a downside as well as an advantage.

Feel free to suggest your own perks and traits and rather than downvote the idea because you disagree with the perks and traits I suggested, but still like the idea in general, feel free to comment on that.

Ideas for perks:
Firearms (crafting guns):
- Forgemaster: All firearm frames and receivers will take 75% the time to make.
- Tinkerer: All firearm bolts and magazines, as well as pistol slides and revolver cylinders will take 75% of the time to craft. (Firearms level
- Rangemaster: All firearm barrels and M82 / AS50 muzzle breaks will take 75% the time to craft.
- Blacksmith: all melee weapons craft at +25% speed.

Crafting (furniture and woodworking):
- Woodworker: All woodworking items will craft at 25% faster.
- Metalworker: All metal furniture items will craft 25% faster.
- Pharmacist: all medical items craft at +25% the regular speed.

- aquaman: you can hold your breath longer underwater.
- Strong swimmer: you swim 10% faster when not sprinting.
- Jogger: Less stamina use from jogging
- Sprinter: Less stamina use for sprinting.

combat related skills:
- marksman: All manual action, semi automatic rifles and primary non-shotgun firearms set to semi automatic have less recoil.
- Commando: All automatic firearms and semi automatic shotguns have 10% less recoil
- Speed loader: Magazines refill 20% quicker
- Lawbringer: pistols shoot 10% more accurately.
- Hicktown Hero: Double barrelled shotguns and pump action shotguns become more accurate.
- Barbarian: blunt melee weapons and hatchets do 10% more damage.
- Ninja: Bladed weapons do 10% more damage.

Driving related skills:
- Braced for impact: You take less damage from car collisions.
- Sharp reactions: Your car brakes respond 10% faster.
- Hooptie hero: Your odds of a damaged car starting are increased by 20%. (Driving 8/8 required).

Ideas for traits:
Intricate: When crafting an item which has either more than 4 pieces of metal, 5 chunks of plastic, 4 chunks of polymer, 4 wooden boards, 4 brass bulk, or 4 boxes of springs, you will get 1 of those items given back to you, however, your crafting speed will be 30% slower.

Hasty worker: crafting speed is 15% quicker for any item with a production cost of 2K or more however you will require additional materials to craft these items.

Sharp shot: Your spread is reduced by 10% however your recoil is increased by 10%.

Spray and pray: Your recoil is reduced by 10% however your spread is increased by 10%.

Hypochondriac: You gain more hunger and thirst reduction from eating healthier foods and drinks (fish, pumpkin spiced coffee, water, orange juice, milk) but gain less from eating unhealthy foods and drinks (burgers, donuts, hot dogs, soda). Noodles and coffee remain neutral.

Influencer: You gain +10% of the org xp you’ll normally get, but also lose 15% more for every loss you are responsible for.

Goon: You lose 10% less XP from org XP losses you are responsible for but gain 15% less.

Trafficker: You gain +10% when harvesting your own drugs but get 10% less when harvesting from planters you do not own.

Booster: you gain +10% when harvesting from non-org member drugs manufacturing equipment but lose 10% of quantity from your own drugs.

Steady shooter: 20% recoil reduction when shooting from a crouched position at the cost of 10% more recoil when shooting whilst standing.

Action hero: 10% less recoil when shooting whilst moving, 5% more recoil when shooting whilst crouching.

Dependant: you gain no negative effects from consuming small amounts of drugs(including painkillers and alcohol) and can consume more without overdosing, and take no damage from smoking, but you’re regeneration is cut in half if you haven’t smoked or consumed substances listed above in 10 minutes.

Hardballer: You can throw all grenades at twice the distance but a with reduced accuracy.

Limp wristed: 10% more recoil reduction from bullpup weapons, weapons with built in stocks, and weapons with stocks attached at the cost of 10% more recoil when using a stock less weapon (pistol, sawed off shotguns, weapons without stocks)

Overclocked: You jog and run 10% faster, jump 10% higher, and punch 10% harder but all of these activities burn 10% more stamina.

Soldiering on: 10% faster movement whilst crippled, 5% more damage from splinted sprinting.

Simple: does nothing, should be chosen by players who don’t want a second trait.

Assassin: Using Suppressors reduces 20% more recoil than it currently does, whilst weapons without suppressors attached will suffer a 10% accuracy penalty.

Patched together: You use healing items at 125% speed, but bleed out twice as fast.

Why should this be added?:
- Allows people to shape their characters and skills.
- Gives players advantages or disadvantages.
- Fallout / elder scrolls style character builds
- Allows players to further customise their own play experience.
- Ending metas as players could base a character setup around using niche weapons that don’t see a lot of regular use and making said weapons incredibly viable.

What negatives could this have?:
- a lot of work involving multiple aspects of PERP requiring this to be entwined into.
- complex.

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