Server Suggestion Wholesaler org perk

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Description of the idea:
Adding a low-medium level org perk which grants you access to a special shop in the delivery store, granting you access to wholesale bulk items.

This is to encourage stores to sell goods and allow for convenience stores to be more convenient and actually profitable.

The wholesale packages will allow you to buy items in 10s, 15’s, etc. Depending on item value.

The wholesale packages should work similarly to the Halloween candy packages and the doll crates. How it will work:
- You buy a crate, box, or other wholesale item from the courier app.
- Upon delivery, it will add the wholesale item to your inventory in the form of a box.
- Upon clicking on the box in your inventory, the item will become unpackaged, if your inventory Allows you to carry the item you’ve unboxed, you’ll receive that item in bulk.
- The price of the crate will be cheaper than buying all the items individually considerably but not in a sense that you can sell it straight to NPC’s for a profit.

Idea’s for bulk Items:
- Carton of Cigarettes. Output of 10 cigarettes when unpacked. The cost should equate that of purchasing 8 Individual cigarette boxes.
- Boxes of beer should be available here.
- Soda pack: Should cost the price of 8 sodas, should grant you 10 sodas upon unboxing.
- Crate of water: Should cost the price of 7 water bottles, should grant you 10 waters upon unboxing.
- Crate of milk: should cost the price of 8 milk, and should give you 10 milk upon unboxing.
- Box of nails: Should cost the price of 15 wood nails, will grant the player 20 upon unboxing.
- Crate of paper towels: Should cost the same as buying 4 paper towels, and should grant the player 6 upon unboxing.
- Box of bulbs: Should cost the same as buying 4 light bulbs, should grant the player 6 bulbs upon unboxing.
- Smart phone box: Should cost the same as buying 8 smart phones, will grant the player 10 phones.
- Food item packages: Should provide 15 of a food item for the cost of 12.

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Good access to sellable goods to encourage players to make convenience stores
- Crafters of certain items get materials
- Players who have the perk can become wholesalers themselves to the people who don’t have them.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Modelling maybe?​
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