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Paralake Emergency System

PLES is a desktop program developed to make the lives of emergency services easier.

Start off by downloading the .rar file from THIS link.
After downloading, extract the folder inside the .rar file, to a directory of your choice.


I've finally finished PLES v2, and it is now open for download.

In this 'update' i've decided to scrap the concept of logs being saved on your PC. That system was annoying, inconvenient and it was simply just meant as a temporary solution.
Instead i've now set up an online MySQL database which all reports will be saved to.
Ofcourse with the ability to search through reports, i had to add a login system. Again, this system works through a MySQL database.
I also added a license plate generator as mentioned in the original thread. This system is 100% for the RP experience. The licenseplates are not linked to the person, and each time you 'search' the plate, it simply just generates a new plate. The only reason why i added this was if you needed it for RP purposes.

How do i get a login?
Please send me a PM on the forums with this form:
Username: (The username that you choose)
Password: (The password that you choose)
Steam name:
Ingame name:

Known bugs:

PLES fails to open/crashes instantly. This bug happens when you don't have the right MySQL 'drivers' if you can say so. Make sure that the PLES.exe is located in the original folder togther with the 'MySql.Data.dll'. Still having trouble? Download and install this. Don't worry, this won't clog up your PC. It's simply just a 'driver' for the database to work.

When attempting to search a name that doesnt exist in the database (Either because the person hasnt been reported , or the name isnt spelled correctly.) a pop-up window will appear. Just click 'continue', and then press the little 'CloseCon' button in the bottom left corner, to make sure the MySQL connection is closed before attempting to search up a valid name.

Please report any bug you find to me through either a steam chat message or a PM on the forums.
Upcoming features:

The ability for the reporting LEO to submit their name into the database aswell, so other LEO's can see who made the report.

This is just a small project that i am working on, im not super good at coding, but i am doing my best. Hope you enjoy it!

It is also recommended that you set your gmod launch options to -windowed -noborder to make switching to the menu fast and easy.
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Just want to say Bilbo.
Amazing work; I like how you did it - I mean, it'd be better when the white list is out (if it comes out) then you can sign in with Steam and shit.
I have yet to try this out, but it sounds promising. Personally, I've been looking into making a similar system myself, which would also allow use within the server. I'll open up a conversation with you to see what we can figure out, maybe we'll be up for a good collaboration on a similar project.

I've finally finished PLES v2, and it is now open for download.

In this 'update' i've decided to scrap the concept of logs being saved on your PC. That system was annoying, inconvenient and it was simply just meant as a temporary solution.
Instead i've now set up an online MySQL database which all reports will be saved to.
Ofcourse with the ability to search through reports, i had to add a login system. Again, this system works through a MySQL database.
I also added a license plate generator as mentioned in the original thread. This system is 100% for the RP experience. The licenseplates are not linked to the person, and each time you 'search' the plate, it simply just generates a new plate. The only reason why i added this was if you needed it for RP purposes.

How do i get a login?
Please send me a PM on the forums with this form:
Username: (The username that you choose)
Password: (The password that you choose)
Steam name:
Ingame name:

Known bugs:

PLES fails to open/crashes instantly. This bug happens when you don't have the right MySQL 'drivers' if you can say so. Make sure that the PLES.exe is located in the original folder togther with the 'MySql.Data.dll'. Still having trouble? Download and install this. Don't worry, this won't clog up your PC. It's simply just a 'driver' for the database to work.

When attempting to search a name that doesnt exist in the database (Either because the person hasnt been reported , or the name isnt spelled correctly.) a pop-up window will appear. Just click 'continue', and then press the little 'CloseCon' button in the bottom left corner, to make sure the MySQL connection is closed before attempting to search up a valid name.

Please report any bug you find to me through either a steam chat message or a PM on the forums.

Upcoming features:

The ability for the reporting LEO to submit their name into the database aswell, so other LEO's can see who made the report.


Thanks for reading!​
What is the point of this?

Edit >> My point is, the program doesn't have any functionality as a notepad can be used to the same effect.
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