PLND - Paralake News Department Applications

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Georgia, United States


Thank You for attempting to apply for Paralake News Department, please make sure you have read the post located on the organizations page. Other than that, please apply using this format:
Before you apply there are many positions in the PLND, and you need to pick which position you are interested in. The positions are listed below.
  • PLND General News Cameraman/Camerawomen.
  • PLND Advanced News Camerman/Camerawomen.
  • PLND Manager of the News. (You can add the news to the forums/manage it.)
  • PLND News Editor (You edit the news.)
  • PLND Driver (You drive the newsmen/newswomen around to their locations.)
Paralake News Application
My in-game name is:
My forum name is:
What position are you interested in applying for in the department?
Why do you want to become that position?
Are you a good recorder/picture taker?
Are you active?
How old are you?
Final Comments:

Please post all applications in the reply section below.

Last edited:
Jaxon Newton
News Editor
I want to become news editor because I believe that I will be good at putting the news up on the website.
Yes I am good at pictures and videos aswell. (Even if it doesnt apply to editor)
Very Active
I am 14
I am very interested in joining this team to document what happens in paralake.
Hi, @jxnalx

Thank You for applying for the position News Editor please read below.
Your application has been looked over, and we have made our decision.
As of now, your application has been:

Accepted, thank you for applying as a editor. You were accepted because you seem qualified when I interviewed you in-game. Please make sure to use the format in the future.

Paralake News Team Management!
My in-game name is: Zovetta Aren

My forum name is: ShadowJoey

What position are you interested in applying for in the department?
General camerawoman

Why do you want to become that position?
I would enjoy being able to enjoy a bit more of what could be considered passive roleplay. Sometimes I just want to enjoy PERP without power growing or being an officer.

Are you a good recorder/picture taker? Yes

Are you active?

How old are you?
Final Comments:
Hi, Zovetta Aren (@ShadowJoey)

Thank You for taking your time and applying for general camerawoman. We are in need of advanced, and general newsmen/newswomen at the moment. This application has been:

Accepted, we could really use someone like you as part of the team. At the moment the forum of the news is being updated and will look different. Therefore, you will have to give all the news you get to Adalyn, and she will post it on this page. At the end of your report/post your name will be there in BOLD, with contact information. Thank You. Please be sure to contact Adalyn at 706-2701, thanks.
My in-game name is: Carter Smith

My forum name is: Synatec

What position are you interested in applying for in the department?
Advanced cameraman.

Why do you want to become that position?
I've had a camera in my hand for almost my entire life and would like to make my dreams come true by becoming a cameraman. I've had a lot of experience with dangerous and advanced situations like; fires, gunfights, explosions etc.
When I finally get my dream job I can start a new life, start all the way from the beginning. This time without living in a box.

I don't really enjoy powergrowing anymore so I would like to invest my time into PassiveRP instead of powergrowing.

Are you a good recorder/picture taker?

Yes, this is one of my hobbys.

Are you active?


How old are you?

(OOC) 15 (IC) 23

Final Comments:
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