[PN] Paralake News | Making better lives.

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Georgia, United States

Paralake News specializes in making sure the Citizens of Paralake are safe, and know what is currently going on in the City of Paralake. Paralake News is made possible by the Citizens of Paralake, and the workers here at Paralake News supporting us. We hunt down the news that you deserve to know, and follow. We want to make sure our Citizens understand what is going on in their wonderful city.

Paralake News contains a role,that is aiming to develop Paralake than how it already is as of this moment. We work with others known as PN Department Records. PN Department Records follows others, and keeps records on what is going on in the City of Paralake. All information from PN Department workers are submitted here to Paralake News, for the Citizens.


The Paralake News headquarters can be found usually at one certain location. The main headquarters of the location is located at The Office within Paralake City. At the headquarters there are usually several technicians working and broadcasting our services, to share information with you.

We are always looking for broadcasters, or authors for our articles that are going to be published on this website. As of the moment, we are looking for broadcasters for livestreams, and article publishers for this website. If interested, please contact Celia Hype at @Captain or 706-2701 (in-game).


You can find City Recent News below this post, as it is updated every now and then. Please understand that our news is for entertainment, and acknowledgement purposes only. All news posted contains a watermark/logo that claims the news that has been filed. Any news that is taken, and used against it's will shall be filed and subjected to a civil suit.


Are you interested in becoming part of the Paralake News team? If so, that's a great decision. When you apply to become a PN Starter, you are assigned certain locations to manage, and as well an office of your own to start with your paperwork. Below is our ranking structure, and job opportunities for the public records.

PN Starter Investigator
Position Held: Vacant
There is no PN Starter(s) as of this time, positions open.
Salary: Discussed.

PN Senior Investigator
Position Held: Vacant
There is no PN Senior Investigator(s) as of this time, positions open.
Salary: Discussed.

PN Experienced Investigator
Position Held: Vacant
There is no PN Experienced Investigator(s) as of this time, positions open.
Salary: Discussed.

PN Expert Investigator
Position Held: Vacant
There is no PN Expert Investigator(s) as of this time, positions open.
Salary: Discussed.

PN Supervisor
Position Held: TBA/Vacant
This rank is restricted to apply for.
Salary: Discussed.

PN Chief Executive Officer
Position Held: TBA/Vacant
This rank is restricted to apply for.
Salary: Discussed.

PN Chief Supervisor
Position held: Celia Hype

We are always looking for PN Starter Investigators to work in our office, and to develop within our team. If interested, please apply. Please submit all applications to the following page/email: [email protected] (opens new conversation, submit all applications there). Please use the template below when applying for a position in our Department.


First Legal Name:
Last Legal Name:
Date of Application:

Please explain why you want to become a Paralake News Starter Investigator:
Do you have any past experience with News Company(s):
How would you rate your communication skills, 1 - 10:

By applying for a position with the Paralake News Department, I
understand that I must follow all rules and exceptions that are given
by high commanding personnel.

[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.

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