PLPD Dash Cam

Should there be Police dash cams for the PLPD

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North East England (UK)
So I have just been thinking about how cool it would be to be in pursuits or to record your PLPD days by using a dash cam. Now a dash cam is basically a little camera inside the police car and it records. Now what I think this may be useful for is that it can be used as evidence for IC and OOC situations. It can be used for good memories or used to improve yourself where you can look back at the recording and see yourself hop out your car and deal with a traffic stop or maybe you chasing down a car in a pursuit and this can also be used for you to look over and see what you did well and what you could improve on. This would also be a nice thing for YouTube videos. However, The only bad thing I can see is that this may be a little bit too hard to implement or where the footage is going to go. Maybe it could go into the police database where only SGT+ can access or something. You could maybe access the dash cam by holding Ctrl or a different button.

What a dash cam looks like:

I have searched the forums and I have not been able to find a discussion or a suggestion involving dash cams for the Police. If I am wrong and there has been ones please try your best and paste the link in the comments. Anyway im happy for your opinions on this. :D
I think this would be far too hard to implement, would it be recorded permanently? Or Would it be like Dispatch cameras?
I think this would be far too hard to implement, would it be recorded permanently? Or Would it be like Dispatch cameras?
1. Already said it may be too hard to implement 2. Already suggested saying that the footage could be kept in the Police Database 3. If Dispatchers could access it does not bother me but I would not mind if they could or not.
there's no point of adding a dash cam ...
as walker said, just record it by yourself.
How do you plan to get this working? Just record it yourself and put an overlay of text on it and boom. You can always cut out the spedometer from your footage and it's easy of you know a thing or two on editing.

This has no way of working in source.
Any time that i need to prove something, i always just pull out my shadowplay folder and make it into a gif using gyazo and send it using LOOC. There is not point in adding this, even if it is possible, which i find very hard to believe.

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