Police Cadet

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Deleted member 2538

Topic: Police Cadet

Short explanation (in notes):
- Give police cadet job
- After passing the test, people will be cadets for their first time(s) as cop until they have been cop for 2 hours.
- Cadets do not have access to a sidearm or battering ram.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Sometimes there are good cops, serious and well experienced, but sometimes there are dumb cops, who ask for the awnsers to the test and run aroud breaking rules. I encountered one of these dumb cops today and ended up being arrested. To put a stop to this, the cadet job should be added. The cadet job would be so that people can recognize who just joined the force and treat them with more respect and care instead of assuming they are well experienced and good rpers. The cadet job would also get citizens to treat them better since they dont have a sidearm and cannot bash your door down. Finally, the cadet job would introduce new officers and let them have a feel of the PLPD before jumping right in and getting into the game.

Optional additions:
- Add a different uniform that says CADET instead of POLICE.
- Give cadets the ability not to spawn cars.
Really not needed. If there are too many cadets then criminals will not think twice about firearms. The speed enforcer alone has enough trouble not having a firearm whilst performing traffic duties. What do you expect a "cadet" to do with just his baton.

Everyone who passes the exam is deemed suitable to play as a Cop. If they break rules then they should be reported. When I RP as LT I do not want to babysit a bunch of Cadets with batons.
Or to simplify it.

For the first 2 hours you are not granted a sidearm or battering ram but, a rule should be implemented instead preventing people from giving answers to exams'n stuff

The system works fantastically as it does at the moment.
Why fix something if it's broken, eh? :)
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