Police job application and whitelist.

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Topic: Police job application and whitelist.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Whitelist for the police job
- Application for the whitelist

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

I often see players who have no idea how to properly play as cop.
They FailRP their way through the day, without punishment.


1. The SWAT-Officers tend to throw flashbangs randomly around at the PD.
2. Most of the cops do not handle criminals like they should in SeriousRP
- Arresting people without interiogation, search, ID check, etc.
3. Speeding and running red-lights, and so on.

I think it could be solved if a whitelist will be added. People will then be more careful.
And it will increase the Roleplay, because general FailRPers will not be able to play as cop.

To prevent a shortage on police officers there should be a deadline, if the whitelist will be added.
2 weeks time to apply, and then add the whitelist.
All of these actions you describe can be reported for, however due to the nonseverity of the nature of these events, I wouldn't say /report worthy unless it is constantly repeated / majorly effects other's RP experience. However you could post a demo of these occurrences.

The problem with a whitelist is, it puts even more strain on the administration team to both A) approve people and B) maintain them. As people are never set to doing a certain role for any extended amount of time, only the time they so choose in our gamemode, thereby having a whitelist for police could easily reduce the police force to nearly nothing a majority of the time, when police are a critical aspect to the feeling of the city. So this by itself is not the answer as far as I am concerned.

What needs to be done really is more of the police test idea, where upon signing up for police, you are given a series of questions both involving rules and laws that currently in effect. So from stuff such as "When are vehicles required to have their headlights on?" to "When chasing after a suspect how can you cross red lights?" (ex. "Full speed", "Cautiously", "Not at all", "Doesn't matter"), and then must pick the correct answer, so for something like the second question, the answer is Cautiously, but I see many officers running red lights, nearly (and of course sometimes do) ram civilian cars, and drive away quickly, occasionally saying "sorry" in chat, but that's all which is definitely not how a policeman should act.

However, my biggest sticking point with this idea is this. If we're going to crackdown on how police should behave, why do we not then have a civilian whitelist? Now you may be saying to yourself, that sounds really stupid Stephen, but let me point out some things. Half the population or more, fails to ever be a citizen properly, if you see someone at gun point and don't report it to emergency services, if you yourself were at gun point and don't inform police of what happened, if you have someone breaking in, then refuse to call it to police yet handle it completely on your own, then wonder why police want to enter your building when they find a dead body nearby, you are not being a proper citizen. So why would we not have a certain list of people who can even be citizen then? Others constantly break laws and face no consequence, but had no reason to break such laws other than to provoke police. My point is this, if we're gonna blame police for being the problem with how people RP, we are simply deceiving ourselves, all the police is really is, is just a large organization who is supposed to obey the law 24/7 and can enforce them upon others. Obviously there would be no support for blocking some people from being "citizen" (whatever that really means) but we need to call a spade for a spade and realize that other people are also the cause of massive failRP, it is not simply police. I have seen some several people join the server, who are actually very good cops, only to find that the civilian population both A) screams fail far too often, when they are doing their job properly, not just if they're doing it badly and B) has no respect for them and tends to ruin RP by doing so, telling the cop to "leave" before even a single word was said, and they hadn't even done anything wrong.

As usual with my posts, I expect a lot of tl;dr but to summarize, whitelist is not the best route to take as it could easily eliminate police effectiveness.
I do quite like the idea and we have a large enough player base that we shouldn't end up with a shortage of officers so I don't see much reason to not have it.

StephenPuffs said:
All of these actions you describe can be reported for, however due to the nonseverity of the nature of these events, I wouldn't say /report worthy unless it is constantly repeated / majorly effects other's RP experience. However you could post a demo of these occurrences.

The problem with a whitelist is, it puts even more strain on the administration team to both A) approve people and B) maintain them. As people are never set to doing a certain role for any extended amount of time, only the time they so choose in our gamemode, thereby having a whitelist for police could easily reduce the police force to nearly nothing a majority of the time, when police are a critical aspect to the feeling of the city. So this by itself is not the answer as far as I am concerned.

What needs to be done really is more of the police test idea, where upon signing up for police, you are given a series of questions both involving rules and laws that currently in effect. So from stuff such as "When are vehicles required to have their headlights on?" to "When chasing after a suspect how can you cross red lights?" (ex. "Full speed", "Cautiously", "Not at all", "Doesn't matter"), and then must pick the correct answer, so for something like the second question, the answer is Cautiously, but I see many officers running red lights, nearly (and of course sometimes do) ram civilian cars, and drive away quickly, occasionally saying "sorry" in chat, but that's all which is definitely not how a policeman should act.

However, my biggest sticking point with this idea is this. If we're going to crackdown on how police should behave, why do we not then have a civilian whitelist? Now you may be saying to yourself, that sounds really stupid Stephen, but let me point out some things. Half the population or more, fails to ever be a citizen properly, if you see someone at gun point and don't report it to emergency services, if you yourself were at gun point and don't inform police of what happened, if you have someone breaking in, then refuse to call it to police yet handle it completely on your own, then wonder why police want to enter your building when they find a dead body nearby, you are not being a proper citizen. So why would we not have a certain list of people who can even be citizen then? Others constantly break laws and face no consequence, but had no reason to break such laws other than to provoke police. My point is this, if we're gonna blame police for being the problem with how people RP, we are simply deceiving ourselves, all the police is really is, is just a large organization who is supposed to obey the law 24/7 and can enforce them upon others. Obviously there would be no support for blocking some people from being "citizen" (whatever that really means) but we need to call a spade for a spade and realize that other people are also the cause of massive failRP, it is not simply police. I have seen some several people join the server, who are actually very good cops, only to find that the civilian population both A) screams fail far too often, when they are doing their job properly, not just if they're doing it badly and B) has no respect for them and tends to ruin RP by doing so, telling the cop to "leave" before even a single word was said, and they hadn't even done anything wrong.

As usual with my posts, I expect a lot of tl;dr but to summarize, whitelist is not the best route to take as it could easily eliminate police effectiveness.
Typinghappy again stephen xD?
"Like in real life" There is good cops - Bad cops... No but really I see Government workers/Civilians breaking the law. I'm trying to help them in my best ability.. But some Players don't really give a shit about the rules..
And the SWAT Team... We say, it is a bank robbery, some officers just run into the bank and start shooting... That makes me pretty mad when I'm a Cheif or a SWAT.... Btw my point is the Idea is really good and The players who join the Police Force should know how to RP. Like, I get random tickets/Warrants.. But I tell them they can't do it with out a valid reason.. (It just ruins the Serious RP)
Well Robin, if officers do not follow your orders as lieutenant you have every right to demote them. And yes obviously it would be nice if all people knew how to RP no matter what you're doing. Also keep in mind for tickets, you can always contact the acting lieutenant to have him come review your ticket to be sure it was issued properly (see law 10.2).

The one problem that often leads to people not knowing how to be police or other government officials is the fact that when newcomers ask how to make money, most people tell them to go police or some other job, when if you are just starting out, in all reality you probably don't have a clue about rules or laws, so suggesting that to someone new, is not a great idea.

Going back to Robin's point about people not caring about the rules, the way I view it, it's the same when people don't care about the laws as well, and I specifically mean when they are breaking laws clearly in front of officers, not privately doing then being caught later. Sure that's purely an RP thing unlike rules, but breaking rules as well as breaking laws pointlessly both tend to lead fail RP, and situations handled inappropriately by either party, and then admins always have to come in to sort out these messes. So I would just like to see less baiting of police by civilians, even simple things such as refusing to turn on their headlights or cooperating with an officer instead of always requesting to be dragged (even when innocent but needed for questioning people will refuse to comply for no apparent reason), it makes a world of difference to everything.

All I want is common sense on every side, both as police (which I can see how sometimes they are a problem) but also as civilians who constantly break laws just to get into confrontations with the police, then complain about their actions taken, because I would say roughly 20% of all police situations end up with reports, which is why we had to put the rule 3.24 into effect so that people can not cancel an RP situation to wait for admins to arrive.

Earlier today, myself and an admin were police, I will not say whom, and as police we had a vehicle going the wrong way on the highway which we immediately stopped and ticketed, afterward another admin stepped in and questioned why they were going that direction on the highway as a rule. So as police we enforced it first as a law, then the person was questioned because of rules, like it should be. Where our RP situation was done and over with, and then it became an OOC situation, rather than saying immediately that we were going to get an admin before seeing the RP through.
Yah, you know I'm trying everything as a Police officer/Civilian to help those people who don't know the Rules you know, so they can have fun and RP, so they don't get reported/Banned, but sometimes they never listen..
Denied - Although this would be a good idea, it would just limit the server completely, we're adding the questionnaire to become Police soon anyway, so this should really help.
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