Server Suggestion Police computer in PD sentencing room (forgot it's name)

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Suggestion Title: Police computer in PD sentencing room (forgot it's name)
Suggestion Description: When charging a suspect, it would be nice to be able to check the computer to check DNA/active warrants without having to run upstairs to check or ask somebody else to check for you. Perhaps open the area behind the sentencing desk and place a computer and chair, or just enable F3 in that room if that is possible.

Why should this be added?:
- Less unnecessary radio chatter
- No need to abandon suspects to check the computer upstairs
- More accurate sentencing, rather than guesswork

What negatives could this have?:
- I think a chair would have to be placed somewhere to use the computer, it doesn't make sense to have a chair in the middle of the PD sentencing room or whatever it's called, so opening up the area behind the sentencing desk may be required.
Using the NPC to get police computer access would make sense as im pretty sure they’re standing right next to a monitor anyways, good idea though
Simple solution add this [see picture] into every cops standard equipment.

This would be a really nice addition. I got very used to just carrying a chair whenever I go on duty, which is not ideal, but it works. But not everyone knows to do it or carries a chair with them.
Using the NPC to get police computer access would make sense as im pretty sure they’re standing right next to a monitor anyways, good idea though
Maybe there could be an option on the NPC to ask for a background check which essentially opens the Police Computer.
You should be checking the Police records of anyone and everyone by the time they are in the car. I see no real harm to this, but I see no reason to add it either when you can check on the way to the Police Station anyways.
We've been asking for a bench at the processing area for months lmao, not only because officers can check records but also so the suspects can sit. The room is tiny and can be crowded, especially if the suspects deciding trying to get out or get away. You can access the PD computer as soon as you sit down, doesn't have to be in front of a PC.
Easy solution to both problems;

We've been asking for a bench at the processing area for months lmao, not only because officers can check records but also so the suspects can sit. The room is tiny and can be crowded, especially if the suspects deciding trying to get out or get away.
Easy solution to both problems;

Automatic doors would be amazing aswell, juggling multiple suspects in a tiny space when you have to lock the door is the worst
I think an alternative solution to this could be to make the processing area slightly bigger, add benches, and make the sentencing window show the player you're sentencing's record when you select their name. On the right hand side you'd see their history, and if they're warranted just like in the police computer.

Overall I support this idea considering it would make processing so much more efficient if you've forgotten to check their record, which happens occasionally for me.
We've been asking for a bench at the processing area for months lmao, not only because officers can check records but also so the suspects can sit. The room is tiny and can be crowded, especially if the suspects deciding trying to get out or get away.
Easy solution to both problems;

And abused by people who do not want to get searched, be sure this bench has eject all or search person on the bench please:)
And abused by people who do not want to get searched, be sure this bench has eject all or search person on the bench please:)
Can't we just have police be able to press R on a chair and force a suspect off the same way you'd do with a car?
And abused by people who do not want to get searched, be sure this bench has eject all or search person on the bench please:)
You could always search them before the actual processing area, I always do it when I'm arresting someone but of course it could be stressful sometimes with a lot of suspects. But to have it as a thing to search people before going into the area and then press R, forcing them to sit on the bench until they getting sentenced would be amazing tbh.

Can't we just have police be able to press R on a chair and force a suspect off the same way you'd do with a car?
THIS, and they wont be able to go back in the seat the next 10 seconds or so
@Lelios1 move the door into the processing are a bit back, kind of like an L shape so we can fit computers in there? Either that or we can just let officers unlock the door, don't remember if they already can.
@Lelios1 move the door into the processing are a bit back, kind of like an L shape so we can fit computers in there? Either that or we can just let officers unlock the door, don't remember if they already can.
This might need some more planning, unlocking the door would turn the PD into a fortress during raids
This might need some more planning, unlocking the door would turn the PD into a fortress during raids
Just remove the wall and the quarter wall connected to the ceiling, leaving just the counter for cover perhaps?
It's literally solved with adding a bench and add the R function lmao

Will either find a good way to do this on V5, or implement this in Paralake V6. Simply putting down a bench is not an option, gotta look propper!

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