Police Trunk Storage

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United Kingdom
Topic: Police Trunk Storage for police items

Short explanation (in notes):
- Officer currently hold items like barricades and cones and the larger cone (unsure of the name of it) I believe it would be more realistic if those items where in the trunk of their police car when spawned.
- Works same as a normal trunk, however would be cool if the trunk actually opened.
- Officer cant hold the items, must be put back in trunk after they have been used.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Be cool as it would at a more realistic sense to the game because I don't know the size of the pockets you would require to hold barricades and cones, ahaa. Make's the role play more serious, in my option.

Optional additions:
- LT gets an SMG/Shotgun in his trunk
- Size of trunk depends on amount of equipment you get
- Possible more mags in the trunk.

(Optional Additions Detailed):
The car depends on the amount of equipment you get, for say The VIP dodge charger might get 5 barricades and 5 cones and 3 large cones and the 2010 (non VIP) might only get 3 barricades and 3 cones and 1 large cone. I would also like to the LT get a SMG/Shotgun in the back off his car for raids and shoot outs, ONLY. Be nice to see some extra mags in all cop cars (like 3) useful during raids and you might run out of ammo.

Main people who should be here @Jordan and @Chrissy as they seem to be the ones in-charge of PLPD.

Enough said.
This has already been denied twice, honestly. Yes, I want this too but then again, think of how overpowered this can be during raids against one person. I can't imagine seeing the lieutenant with an SMG.

Maybe when the whitelisting comes in.
For now I will stick with a -Support.
Missed one https://perpheads.com/threads/k5-police-car-trunks-idea-31-less-than-167.3561/

Anyways, this is mostly been denied in the past because of the easy potential for misuse. It is already been stated by @Jordan that police will need be given trunk space and I plan on doing that.

If you are really trying to come up with ideas for PLPD please know we are not currently looking for any to be blunt. If you feel your idea is exceptional though, please talk with @Jordan, @Chrissy, or @Chris as chances are it is already on their "wish list" of sorts. Also they would be in more position as to whether they would want it accepted or not. Granted they might not get everything they want, but they will at least let you know if it's already considered or feasible.
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