Police Suggestion Police Upgrades NPC - A new form of progression to buy equipment and upgrades

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Description: Create a new way for Police Officers to spend money, although it may be seen as quite realistic it would be quite enjoyable as a 'cop main' to have a new line of progression in the Police Department. Officers will have the opportunity to buy new upgrades and equipment for use when on duty, this includes new vehicles, vehicle upgrades, weapons, breaching kit, and more. These upgrades can be bought through either the individual NPC relevant to the upgrade or alternatively a new NPC could be made called the "Upgrades NPC", where you can buy all of these.




Examples: A list of examples with rough prices can be found below, not final values which are up for discussion or decision when implementing. Anything with * is a controversial idea I just wanted to throw in for discussion.

ItemRequirementsCost (you keep the item permanently)
Taser X26Officer, minimum of 5 arrests*$25,000
C2 ExplosivesTFU, minimum of 10 door breaches*$100,000
Porsche CaynneRTU, Corporal$750,000
BMW 340iRTU, Senior OfficerFree, starter vehicle for traffic officers
Ford TransitOfficer$25,000
Remington ShotgunCorporal, minimum of 20 arrests*$250,000
M16 RifleSergeant, minimum of 100 arrests*$2,000,000
Red Dot Pistol SightOfficer$250,000
Vehicle Upgrade 1/2 (increase speed by 10mph)Officer$500,000
Wheel ClampRTU, minimum of 50 tickets*$100,000
Deployable, editable traffic signSenior Officer$500,000

  • A new line of progression
  • Something to spend money on
  • You have a goal to work towards especially when playing as police
  • It isn't very realistic
  • not new player friendly
  • pay to win
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The costs of some of these things seems a bit out of wack, but with some balancing I do like this idea overall
locking the PD monetarily is kind of a bad idea in general as it takes a hudge ammount out of the profit for policing for low rank officers
for instance 820k is about 48 hours of dispatch 420 a hour pay no taxes
This goes too far, i ain't wanna pay $2,225,000 to get the equipment I already have now.
I read that you said rough prices open for discussion. But idk, as Auris mentioned this is gonna be hard for new cops trying it. You finally get to SO, but then you have to pay to get a taser, you finally pass rtu, but have to pay again to get the cars that go with it.
I understand the premise behind the suggestion but I do not think this is the right implementation. In terms of progression as a "cop main" and taking your career further in policing, I feel that the current system we have in-place serves this sufficiently and in a far more realistic manner; applying for different divisions, going through the ranks, etc.

I think instead if we want to revisit progression in the PLPD and making it more worthwhile, perhaps we should retake a look at the awards and medals system. Introduce a new way to obtain medals and rewards, different types of them (certificates and valedictory letters).

At Border Force we run a Rewards & Recognition system for colleagues where anyone can nominate them, or they can nominate themselves, for either sustained excellence throughout the year or for particular pieces of work. I'll try and revise this over the next coming days and make a separate suggestion.

Speaking solely on what has been presented here however, I am afraid I cannot support it. Nonetheless I do think discussions and revisiting progression and opportunities in the PLPD is the next step and thank you for bringing it into the spotlight.
I read that you said rough prices open for discussion. But idk, as Auris mentioned this is gonna be hard for new cops trying it. You finally get to SO, but then you have to pay to get a taser, you finally pass rtu, but have to pay again to get the cars that go with it.
You can have taser as a normal officer with this suggestion, you also get a default car but can earn your way up even more to a better car!
Imagine buying something, getting demoted and not being able to use the gun you bought.

Yeah you would get it refunded via functions but man, I don't like this idea at all sorry. We're trying to fix a problem that isn't an issue in the first place.
You can have taser as a normal officer with this suggestion, you also get a default car but can earn your way up even more to a better car!
default cars ain't cutting it to catch up with speeders, sadly.
only way to make decent cash, is to start powergrowing, something that's boring and shouldn't be encouraged. Roleplaying overall doesn't get you a lot of money.
can confirm i roleplay instead of powergrow and i dont make that much money at all
I understand the premise behind the suggestion but I do not think this is the right implementation. In terms of progression as a "cop main" and taking your career further in policing, I feel that the current system we have in-place serves this sufficiently and in a far more realistic manner; applying for different divisions, going through the ranks, etc.

I think instead if we want to revisit progression in the PLPD and making it more worthwhile, perhaps we should retake a look at the awards and medals system. Introduce a new way to obtain medals and rewards, different types of them (certificates and valedictory letters).

At Border Force we run a Rewards & Recognition system for colleagues where anyone can nominate them, or they can nominate themselves, for either sustained excellence throughout the year or for particular pieces of work. I'll try and revise this over the next coming days and make a separate suggestion.

Speaking solely on what has been presented here however, I am afraid I cannot support it. Nonetheless I do think discussions and revisiting progression and opportunities in the PLPD is the next step and thank you for bringing it into the spotlight.
I've not progressed anywhere in the last few years because I am a Sergeant, we could do with more progression and this is a fantastic idea, I don't care about medals or rewards but I will take a new gun any day.
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