Police Suggestion Police Upgrades NPC - A new form of progression to buy equipment and upgrades

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Description: Create a new way for Police Officers to spend money, although it may be seen as quite realistic it would be quite enjoyable as a 'cop main' to have a new line of progression in the Police Department. Officers will have the opportunity to buy new upgrades and equipment for use when on duty, this includes new vehicles, vehicle upgrades, weapons, breaching kit, and more. These upgrades can be bought through either the individual NPC relevant to the upgrade or alternatively a new NPC could be made called the "Upgrades NPC", where you can buy all of these.




Examples: A list of examples with rough prices can be found below, not final values which are up for discussion or decision when implementing. Anything with * is a controversial idea I just wanted to throw in for discussion.

ItemRequirementsCost (you keep the item permanently)
Taser X26Officer, minimum of 5 arrests*$25,000
C2 ExplosivesTFU, minimum of 10 door breaches*$100,000
Porsche CaynneRTU, Corporal$750,000
BMW 340iRTU, Senior OfficerFree, starter vehicle for traffic officers
Ford TransitOfficer$25,000
Remington ShotgunCorporal, minimum of 20 arrests*$250,000
M16 RifleSergeant, minimum of 100 arrests*$2,000,000
Red Dot Pistol SightOfficer$250,000
Vehicle Upgrade 1/2 (increase speed by 10mph)Officer$500,000
Wheel ClampRTU, minimum of 50 tickets*$100,000
Deployable, editable traffic signSenior Officer$500,000

  • A new line of progression
  • Something to spend money on
  • You have a goal to work towards especially when playing as police
  • It isn't very realistic
  • not new player friendly
  • pay to win
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I would take a level system build on hours, Maybe observation report scores or other variables, Money does seem a bit p2w. Maybe levels could be linked to rank? So a a cpl could be level 40 but then loses levels when advancing to the next rank? Then unlocking new items through levels?
In this proposed state, I don't see this being fun to work/play for or even realistic.

However if you would really want this to work, you could add much more pistol options, pistol sights, tfu suppressors/weapons and customizations for your car (only special to you, such as a bigger bumper) that are out of the default kit(s), perhaps the idea could work.
This would also have to come with extreme balancing to prices proposed (I can see it being 10k for every non-default pistol, 10k for every attachment etc).

I wouldn't want to grind to get basic equipment ever though, if you can get new equipment outside of what we have now and then make that purchasable, then sure!
I'd prefer this to be for stuff like different pistols and some attachments, stuff that are mostly down to preference rather than as important as a shotgun or the taser or even cars. Let those be for ranks as they are now.
Unfortunately, I do not agree with this idea at all, it just doesn’t seem very good especially considering that this is meant to be a Serious RP Server. For example, if an officer buys an upgrade on his vehicle then we would have officers just speeding around in upgraded vehicles which I would imagine could cause a lot of problems. Also since some of these ideas are up for discussion I’d like to express what I think.

Taser X26Officer, minimum of 5 arrests*$25,000

I don't think I Can get behind officers buying Tasers as I see a lot of complaints about them misusing them, besides taser whitelists have already been planned for Blueduck so this wouldn't get very far in regards to when blueduck is implemented. And let's say a new player joins the Police they have money to spare on some equipment and buys the Taser and considering they're new they wouldn't know the policies surrounding what to do Prior to using a Taser. In addition, if they come on and don't have a Microphone to use then they definitely won't be following Policy and I'd see IA's being made for Taser misuse or not following the Policies regarding a Taser.
C2 ExplosivesTFU, minimum of 10 door breaches*$100,000
Restricting TFU Equipment is definitely not going to work in the Favour of the Police department. Imagine if there is one TFU Online and they're are needed to breach the door down to save a life or protect their own or to simply raid and they don't have C2 Because it's restricted and you have to buy it, this will cause so many problems when it comes to TFU Performing their duties, other members would have to rely on other members of TFU To buy C2, I don't see this going very well down the line if this idea gets accepted I'd suggest don't restrict TFU Equipment especially ones that they need to perform their duties. In addition, the requirement would require TFU or if they're in normal gear to breach down 10 doors, this could simply be bypassed by someone breaching down unowned doors or this could incite people to simply breach down doors when they get a chance for no reason just to simply complete the requirement.

Porsche CaynneRTU, Corporal$750,000
I just simply believe this is also not gonna work in favour of the Police Department, the whole point of these vehicles are to catch up to vehicles which normal officers cannot catch up to, of this is restricted and you had to buy this then I wouldn't think any officer would bother griding for a PD Car that was implemented to specifically for all RTU Members to use. This alone would just impede traffic officers ability to do their job. With regards to the rank requirement, I Think officers should still have access to this vehicle or what is the point of opening traffic applications to normal officers if your gonna start restricting their vehicles?

BMW 340iRTU, Senior OfficerFree, starter vehicle for traffic officers
Again what's the point in opening up Traffic Applications to normal officers if they can't even use any of the cars at least if they're normal officers.

Ford TransitOfficer$25,000
I don't see why this vehicle should be restricted to price if someone already has to pay either IRL Currency to use it or they have to pay like 75k to get premium and then have to pay an additional 25k just to drive it? Imo I'd just leave the premium vehicles as they are there is no point in having players pay more money to buy something that already comes as a VIP Benifit.

Remington ShotgunCorporal, minimum of 20 arrests*$250,000
This is going to be an issue since people who are Corporals are trusted with using a shotgun and sometimes having a shotgun really makes a difference in situations so I don't see why someone who has been trusted with the use of the shotgun has to pay 250k For it, let Corporals keep their shotguns as they are since they're really helpful in CQB Situations and in situations where there is a threat that needs to be stopped quickly. I also think the requirement is pointless since once again it prompts any officer to arrest someone for the smallest reasons which could cause a much dislike to some officers.

M16 RifleSergeant, minimum of 100 arrests*$2,000,000
This alone just seems excessive, first of all, you're suggesting that it would be 2M For a rifle I doubt any Supervisors would grind and spend 2M On a rifle that can already be used by TFU even in Light Gear. In addition, I already believe that this suggestion for Supervisors to have a rifle on duty was already denied so I don't think if accepted that this idea would be added in.

Red Dot Pistol SightOfficer$250,000
Although it is a small thing, I do believe that sights for pistols Etc should be re-added back in. Officers when we were in Evo City, could attach pistol sights which were really helpful but they got removed. So I do agree that this idea should be added in but remove the paywall to use the sights.

Vehicle Upgrade 1/2 (increase speed by 10mph)Officer$500,000
Already touched upon this idea, I don't think it'll work even if it is only a 10mph boost I just imagine seeing officers just speeding around let alone if they just nick someone's the car that has the upgrades on it I just see a lot of issues would arise if this happened, in addition, isn't this what RTU Was invented for? To catch up to cars that normal patrol officers can not? I just see this as unnecessary.

Wheel ClampRTU, minimum of 50 tickets*$100,000
Once again, restricting the use of equipment that you're trusted with when you join the division would not work. It impedes our duties as Traffic Officers to make sure that there aren't cars obstructing roadways or cars which are parked illegally. What if a Normal officer joins RTU And wants to prevent a car from leaving because the owner is warranted? It's the same with any other traffic officer if they don't have this equipment because they didn't buy it how will they perform their duties to the best extent? The same thing goes for the requirement it just prompts people to give tickets over the smallest things when they don't need to.

Deployable, editable traffic signSenior Officer$500,000
Last but not least, this is a really good idea, but I don't think officers should have to pay for it let alone 500k For a traffic sign that they can write on. In any case, I don't believe a crucial bit of kit should be restricted because you need to pay for it, this could add so much RP Opportunity and helpful for officers that are not in RTU Or do not have access to /pbc. I Do agree that this should be restricted to Senior Officer as I do see normal officers miusing this.

In regards to paying for weaponry, I just don't think it needs to be added IMO This is just more of a DarkRP Feature than anything.

TL;DR Some of these are good ideas but I don't think we need to put them behind a paywall.
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I've not progressed anywhere in the last few years because I am a Sergeant, we could do with more progression and this is a fantastic idea, I don't care about medals or rewards but I will take a new gun any day.

I perfectly understand your point here Tyla but that is because you are a sargeant and yes, it would be fun to have some new stuff to "unlock". However if you think about the sweaters that start cop from the beggining there is already a lot to grind for.

What I am trying to say is that not everyone is a Sargeant and when you are low rank you already have a lot to work if you want to go up the ladder and adding money into the mix is a terrible idea in my opinion, for the simple fact that cops dont earn jack shit compared to crims.

Tbh, every single cop that would unlock stuff, they would, in 98% of the cases use money they acquired by growing drugs, not by playing as a cop.
Equipment for police officers aren’t luxuries, especially not C2. Imagine grinding for TFU only to have to buy and unlock C2.
-Support, I don't like the idea of making the Police Department's equipment cost your own money. True it's for permanent but still, the government gives you the equipment for free so that you can perform your duties as a law enforcement officer.
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