new drug, heroin


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Description of the idea: here is how u would make it, ( kind of like the cocaine with the processing) you get basic or industrial planter, you buy poppy seeds,you water them and when they are done, you process them like it is cocaine, (pyrex dish, newspaper, poppy leaves and when 50%, lye. After that, you will get packets of heroin! (like weed and cocaine). then you sell it to the dealer for like 150 a needle, the maximum leaves you get is 10 leaves, it takes 2 leaves to make batch of heroin needles

Why should this be added? (pros): something new, something unique and a money maker.

What negatives could this have? (cons): people can steal it from you when raids (duh) and thats really it.

*Other additions: when u use the heroin (u buy a syringe) and you get a fuzzy speed boost for 30 secs (like unlimited running for 30 secs) but the more you use, the worse the vision you will get

(seed in bag like coke and weed)
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@ShadowJoey the amount of heroin you would get from growing the plant as you process it into heroin should add up more. Also you could grow opium plants for a day whilst doing meth, then grow weed alongside processing the heroin. But I do see where you’re coming from. Maybe the profit margin should be bigger. Maybe the finished product could provide a bigger yield?
Right, let’s make the game mode about as hard to complete as a V smile game so players figure the game out in 12 hours and get bored and leave.
you think it entices sweaters to stay, realising how toxic the community is and them getting raided every 2 minutes for them to be confused about which drug is the best to do for us to then implement yet another drug to complicate things more.

People have been in the community for 5+years "12 hours get bored and leave" is an ape statement
@Kempotent people have been complaining for absolutely ages, years even at this point now that they’re leaving because there’s nothing new to do on PERP. Calling people “part of the problem” for making a suggestion for an update which would provide at least some sort of new thing to do is counter productive in itself in terms of actually progressing this server into something people can spend ages on without getting bored. On top of this, all the hassle involving making the process more Time consuming and somewhat difficult to understand in a short period of time without actually looking into the subject in Depth beforehand can be avoided by players just simply not partaking in Heroin manufacturing until they have the time to look into it. This wouldn’t change any existing forms of money making at all in the slightest.

Calling someone “part of the problem” for making a suggestion like this is clown energy.
I agree with the suggestion but I think it should be make in a different way to give a bit of variety of ways players can make drugs, and also so that crackheads like @Billy Fucking Ray can do meth and heroin at the same.
Ngl don’t think heroin particularly adds to your health
I mean if we re-thought this suggestion through I think it's actually a pretty cool idea to add a couple more drug types. If we implement it into the new drug system we have now then it shouldn't be too difficult to accomplish. I like something similar to @BigBenji's reply as long as we can keep it as simple as possible. It should be processed into wraps sold for the usual $150 each or so. I also think it would be cool to look into adding other common drugs such as ecstacy and maybe even nitrous oxide cannisters lmao? I think more variety can only be a good thing in my opinion.
That would be fun, could go as far as to run a drinks stand and use it to create nos legally and then obviously sell it to the DD and hope the police don't find out. Although I think to make it more realistic NOS should litter the forest and laybys that aren't covered by CCTV
Selling nos to the DD would kind of be pointless tbh. Maybe they could introduce nos canisters to ragnatech since it’s used as a food grade propellant and freezing agent, then let users craft a NOS cracker to use it?