possible cheater, need advice

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So i know they a lot of good players on the server, but i still need some advice on this one.
Cause he hadn't peeked once and fist first bullet found me light and the following one all found me, without him even seeing me once.
He said he FerrarriPEEK'd but that not how a ferrari peek works. (Ferrari peek is just a very wide peek that makes it seem like you're running and shooting)



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This thread has inevitably turned into a total witch-hunt against GainAxe. This category of the forums is not to be used as a medium for players to argue their suspicions against other players. It should go without saying that if you suspect another player of any rule break, you should report it directly to a staff member or create an F6/action request justifying your suspicions. Please do so if you want to continue this discussion further, otherwise, refrain from posting threads of this nature outside of their respective forums.
I'm pretty sure he just shot through the wall, look at the bulletholes appearing that are moving towards you., idk why he said ferrarri peek
"Farrai" peek should be something that GainAxe recently invented I assume since he's not even peeking.

He's in our organization, I will ask him if he has any clips of the action.

To be fair I also wonder how did he pinpoint your location at the second attempt.
GainAxe has had some pretty interesting shots, I suggest a demo request.

Not calling him a cheater, but definitely suss. Especially when he can't aim during peak hours of the server, when staff is on.
I have raided and defended with gain axe multiple times and there has been numerous times when we both die so if he was too be cheating he would be awful, also on any clips he has shown me all u can see is why u would see if u was playing so I doubt he is cheating
This thread has inevitably turned into a total witch-hunt against GainAxe. This category of the forums is not to be used as a medium for players to argue their suspicions against other players. It should go without saying that if you suspect another player of any rule break, you should report it directly to a staff member or create an F6/action request justifying your suspicions. Please do so if you want to continue this discussion further, otherwise, refrain from posting threads of this nature outside of their respective forums.
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