Ban Dispute (blobvis)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @blobvis
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Biggo
Your Roleplay Name: Riley Boston
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:547475683

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User ran unarmed into projex that was being raided, once encountering cops stayed in the stairwell to scout for his armed friends attempting to bait cops into going downstairs, making up an excuse to the cop instead of hiding and getting shot in the process while his friends attempt to shoot cops (and calling out cops location), keeping up his comment of " i want to show my keys" and "no hablo Angles" , in the end causing his death

Why should this appeal be considered?: i drove down to Projex after Jack Locks said in org that he was raiding P4 and under the assumption i still had an mp5k on me. he then didn't respond so i assumed he was dead and saw PD cars and heard no shooting or anything that would suggest a raid and when i got out my car i realised i had no gun on me but decided to enter as i owned P3 and there wasn't an active raid but TFU had stopped me on P2 landing and told me to fuck off but then i heard a cop asking for keys so i said let me show you keys. Afterwards leo parks and Callum Rodriquez push in without saying anything to me in org (they said there were going to sit outside and wait) and start aiming guns from P1 landing to P2, and Callum says "bring them down here" which before i even do anything a pistol cop jumps down and leo kills him. the TFU speaking to me then pushes down behind me and starts shooting, using me as a shield so i say "TFU peeking" and run into P2, the TFU follows me in and gun points me so i surrender and he cuffs me when another ally pushes up and doesnt see the TFU, then the TFU sprays him as i say "TFU in here", all this time the TFU is using me as a body shield and im in cuffs

Additional Information: if a cop asks for keys and another tells me to leave, im going to be confused on what to do. and then before the TFU is able to tell me again, they have pushed in and start aiming guns. about 5-10 seconds later they kill the first cop, 1000% confirming i cant leave without dying or getting shot, so im frozen on P2 when TFU start using me as a body shield. i had no time to react in that situation nor did me being there change the situation result, i therefore feel this is a unjustified ban as i offered to show my evidence but the staff decided that the clip from TFU which doesnt show anything below me, was good enough for a 2 week ban (I ATTEMPTED TO GET CLIP FROM MY DEMO BUT IT CRASHED EVERY SINGLE TIME)
The demo file you have provided does not cover this situation, please upload the following demo file and post it here perpheads_demo_2024-1-27 17-10-40
ive got the clip from me driving down harbour lane to dying to joshua maryl as my demos seemed to work now. it proves what im saying how they push in directly after me without saying anything and then a pistol cop runs down before i even say anything to try and "bait" them and when the TFU starts shooting i move out of the way into P2 where he follows me and cuffs me. as well as the scene progressing extremely quickly. no one could of thought has fast as i was supposed to apparently

It is your responsibility to ensure that you have a weapon with you; forgetting it is not acceptable. You should've never stepped into projex without a weapon.

In the staircase, you were asked to leave while under direct gunpoint. At that point, you should have complied and left.

None of the officers ever asked you to show keys or anything like what you claim to have done in the dispute. There was no confusion; you should have left instead of getting involved in a shootout while unarmed. Even if they are your friends, you cannot get involved unless you have a weapon.

Your reckless actions led to your death, and you took unnecessary risks, which is a clear rule violation of 3.4.

Reviewed with @Oddy
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