How to stop CS:GO from causing your PC to crash

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Hello! Just thought I'd make a quick guide for many people having this issue like I used to have.

So when you're running CS:GO and playing a game like casual or competitive and your computer randommly cuts out, restarts or completely crashes it is mainly because of your computer overheating. Now this can be caused by many problems, including dust inside your computer, you get too many FPS in a game which causes your computer to heat up. Now you may notice this only happens for CS:GO and not any other games as this is quite a big game, and some of the requirements expect even better graphic cards that you need for call of duty.

So how do I fix this? Well you can fix this in a couple of simple ways.

Step 1) First, you need to see if the overheating is the problem, you can check with Speedfan, a really simple way to check your CPU temperate and all the temperatures of your computer fans. To download speedfan click the following link:
Once you have got it, you need to load into a CSGO game, for example just go into offline with bots and leave it a couple of minutes to run, then open up SpeedFan, if your temperature is around 55 60 degrees, then this is the problem that causes your computer to crash or reboot. Basiaclly, when you are running at a certain temperature on your CPU that your computer cannot handle, it prevents your computer from breaking and it will automatically shut its self down to prevent any damage or harm done to your computer.

Step 2) Lower your max framerate. This is a really simple way to cool your computer down about 10 degrees, which can prevent your computer from shutting down. When in-game, you need to have your developer console enabled. You can do this by going to your options and just enabling developer console. Then you open your console and copy and paste the following command: fps_max 60. However, do not worry. This will not effect your gameplay and it will not make your computer lag, if you are running at 60 framerates per second or above, there will be no lag and even if it is higher, you cannot tell the difference. Therefore, the excess FPS is not needed and it will only make your computer heat up and shut down.

Step 3) Cleaning your computer out for dust. WARNING: Before following these instructions, always make sure your computer is OFF and switched OFF at your plug socket, otherwise you're risking electricuting your self with wires inside. This is a really simple step but you have to be careful. To do this you just get a vacuum and vacuum all the dust out carefully, making sure it's other your componants, especially your motherboard and your graphics card as they are one of the most important things inside your computer. Also, make sure your fans are clear and can function properly, if they cannot function properly, this will cause your computer to heat up and make CS:GO and other features on your computer a living hell.

By the way, I copied and pasted this from my own steam guide I made on CS:GO, I just thought I'd share it with the perpheads community, and yes I did make it.
Guide was obviously stolen and credited as your own :trande:

Jking, But seriously this guide is very well detailed, good work on that ;) The section about FPS got me interested even though my CS:GO doesn't cause this issue but its got me curious to test on other Source games so im gonna do some tests with "fps_max 60" and see if I spot any differences in temperatures (Even though I got a 980 which runs at fine temperatures but still :p)
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