Possibly a great FPS fix for police lights?

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United Kingdom
Main idea: Police light bars turn off when the car is wrecked

Description: Currently, having 10 cars pull up all with their lights on during a raid will cause massive lag, especially to some shitty computers or even good ones really. It's a simple thing to implement (I think idk, it'll be like how when cars get wrecked, their emergency blinkers turn on) that when the car is completely shot up, the lights automatically turn off. This, I'm like 99% sure, would increase FPS during raids cause a lot of people seem to complain about this. Also, it would give raiders a small buff when they look for officers to gun down, they're not looking at fuckin Disney on Ice or some shit like that. Lastly, implementing this wouldn't hurt the police too much, as it's the criminal's choice to waste a mag on a vehicle or not.

-Less aids
-Better FPS
-More realism?
-People can actually see and concentrate without 1532 flashing lights
-Easy to do

-People just targeting police cars to turn off its lights?

THIS IS NOT MY SUGGESTION, IT IS FROM LIKE 5 MONTHS AGO, Doge who suggested it is not active anymore sadly, so I did this great suggestion for him @doge if u ever log on again, be proud

Pulling into a shootout with cops is aids atm. Having something like this would save the poor souls who struggle to shoot enough without 0 fps
Doge is dead :(
I'm pretty sure its the vehicles themselves being there that causes the shitshow when it comes to fps more so than the lights, although I may be wrong there. But I remember that having large masses of cars outside a property would also cause shit fps when basing. But why not, worth trying to fix it I guess.
Not only the ELS Lights, Also the "Standard Lights" on the car cause issues. Because mostly when out of sight of cars my game runs perfectly smooth.
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