Deleted member 1235
(I saw the German one and thought hey ho may as well do one for my county)
7 Common stereotypes against the British.
1 - You all drink tea: A VERY common stereotype and I have to say its quite true depending on where you live. Statistically there's more tea drinkers in the South. However What i have noticed is that it is mainly consumed by white middle aged to late women. My mum and Grandmother get through about 30 teabags together whenever she's round and visa versa. It's been a mutual conversation starter for years with the common line "Fancy a cuppa"?. Yes this stereotype is largely true (Although not for everyone)
2 - You British people have crooked/bad teeth: This is simply not the case. Our teeth were rated amongst the top 20 in 2006. British people brush their teeth twice a day just like anyone else. We have "Free Healthcare (NHS)" to Look after our teeth if they go wrong. I have perfectly straight, white healthy teeth.
3 - You're all posh and upper class or Chavs (Council house and Violent) : Visit Luton for 15 minutes then tell me we're posh. There is a small minority of upper class people in the UK. We have a mixed wealth system just like you! Yes there are Rich people, yes there are little stealing kids who will "Smack ya right in de gobber i swear on me mum" We are normal people who arn't sending the maid to fetch the paper or mugging a granny from Lidl!
4- You have a Queen, how old fashioned and Un-Democratic: So does this make the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Canada and many other countries un-democratic too?. In almost all cases the Queen/King has no real power or simply does not use it. He/She usually just signs in laws/acts which have been passed via Parliament. As for democracy. We have fully elected MP's (Members of Parliament) who represent your local constituency. As I said the Monarch doesn't send the peasants to the gallows any-more!
5- You're all butt-hurt because you lost your Empire: Yes we are. Wouldn't you be mad if you owned half the world then lost it? I'm joking, many of the younger generation couldn't care less as they were born when there wasn't much of an Empire left. However the elderly are obviously upset about it as they've lived through de-colonization and watched countries they once ruled as prize possessions gain independence. (Look at a map of Africa from 1920 then at 1914 and notice the 'New countries', many of these used to be French/British).
6 - Britain, England, UK it's all the same thing: Common misconception. the official name of the UK is 'The United Kinghdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is used to refer to all nations within the British Isles that are under the banner of the UK :England, Scotland and Wales. British Isles refers to England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (Different country as a whole). England is usually used to refer to the whole UK as it has the most landmarks, population, wealth, history etc. However some nationalists of Scotland,Wales and NI would find this rather annoying (As was shown in the Scottish Referendum).
7 - You have boring politics where nothing really happens: Think again, in the UK there is a large majority of Ultra Right wing parties that are nearly equivlient of the Nazis, these Include; British National party (BNP) National Front (NF) English Defence league (EDL) English Democrats (ED), Britian First (BF) and many more. These parties make British Politics very interesting, especially ones like the BF or EDL who when being interviewed by the news find an excuse to blame Everything on immigrants or Muslims. Then they all fight each other.
If you have any more stereotypes that you think apply to the UK then post them here and I'm sure other people can debunk their truth or not!

7 Common stereotypes against the British.
1 - You all drink tea: A VERY common stereotype and I have to say its quite true depending on where you live. Statistically there's more tea drinkers in the South. However What i have noticed is that it is mainly consumed by white middle aged to late women. My mum and Grandmother get through about 30 teabags together whenever she's round and visa versa. It's been a mutual conversation starter for years with the common line "Fancy a cuppa"?. Yes this stereotype is largely true (Although not for everyone)
2 - You British people have crooked/bad teeth: This is simply not the case. Our teeth were rated amongst the top 20 in 2006. British people brush their teeth twice a day just like anyone else. We have "Free Healthcare (NHS)" to Look after our teeth if they go wrong. I have perfectly straight, white healthy teeth.
3 - You're all posh and upper class or Chavs (Council house and Violent) : Visit Luton for 15 minutes then tell me we're posh. There is a small minority of upper class people in the UK. We have a mixed wealth system just like you! Yes there are Rich people, yes there are little stealing kids who will "Smack ya right in de gobber i swear on me mum" We are normal people who arn't sending the maid to fetch the paper or mugging a granny from Lidl!
4- You have a Queen, how old fashioned and Un-Democratic: So does this make the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, Canada and many other countries un-democratic too?. In almost all cases the Queen/King has no real power or simply does not use it. He/She usually just signs in laws/acts which have been passed via Parliament. As for democracy. We have fully elected MP's (Members of Parliament) who represent your local constituency. As I said the Monarch doesn't send the peasants to the gallows any-more!
5- You're all butt-hurt because you lost your Empire: Yes we are. Wouldn't you be mad if you owned half the world then lost it? I'm joking, many of the younger generation couldn't care less as they were born when there wasn't much of an Empire left. However the elderly are obviously upset about it as they've lived through de-colonization and watched countries they once ruled as prize possessions gain independence. (Look at a map of Africa from 1920 then at 1914 and notice the 'New countries', many of these used to be French/British).
6 - Britain, England, UK it's all the same thing: Common misconception. the official name of the UK is 'The United Kinghdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is used to refer to all nations within the British Isles that are under the banner of the UK :England, Scotland and Wales. British Isles refers to England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (Different country as a whole). England is usually used to refer to the whole UK as it has the most landmarks, population, wealth, history etc. However some nationalists of Scotland,Wales and NI would find this rather annoying (As was shown in the Scottish Referendum).
7 - You have boring politics where nothing really happens: Think again, in the UK there is a large majority of Ultra Right wing parties that are nearly equivlient of the Nazis, these Include; British National party (BNP) National Front (NF) English Defence league (EDL) English Democrats (ED), Britian First (BF) and many more. These parties make British Politics very interesting, especially ones like the BF or EDL who when being interviewed by the news find an excuse to blame Everything on immigrants or Muslims. Then they all fight each other.
If you have any more stereotypes that you think apply to the UK then post them here and I'm sure other people can debunk their truth or not!