Private Information

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: (Forum) 1.5 Private Information

Your version of the rule:

1.5 - Private Information: One's private details such as place of residence, real first and last name may not be disclosed with the community unless permission is given by the person in question.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

There are currently no rules against this while there really should, not that I do not trust people in this community but it's never nice to see your real name or your address being posted online. You never know what the intentions of the person on the other side of the monitor are.

This rule may also apply in OOC chat in the server itself.
I live in macdonalds
Seriously I do
Jk xD
But it would be nice not to have your address leaked into the community - You might get swatted xD
I see exactly what you mean where you wish it to be obvious for people to not post personal information, in the end this goes under rule 1.4 considering you're probably trying to cause problems for the person. I do not see a full reason for this to be added considering there is already covered, but then again sometimes you have to be very straight forward for some people to understand.
I agree with this - I think it needs to be added to protect the privacy of people in the community along with to minimize trouble that may occur outside of the community.
I feel this rule should be added 110%. 1.4 may cover this, however it does not fully cover it and it should be made more obvious as not everyone looks and thinks deeply about every slight little details in rules. Therefore, I am giving this idea +Support.
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Yeah I agree with this plus I think there should be a rule with if there's a post which includes a certain member they need that members permission to post it before hand.
That should be a basic conduct rule already, no rule is currently stating that you can't do that, but someone just got banned (some time ago) for entering private information of a community member. 1.4 was it back then.
User was warned for this post under 2.3 Unnecessary Posting
I got shoutbox banned for this :(
2.4 Constructive supports
+Support, we all know @Puma123 name now and he's cringy. If creepis never told me his/jack kiers name I would've had a better image of puma.
2.4 Constructive supports
+Support, we all know @Belg Lmfao is a fat cunt and he should die. He's also cringy. Why isn't he permabanned from the server? We all know his name cuz Creepis contacted Anonymous
Why are you so paranoid about IRL Names there could be loads of people with the same first name as yours. Some like to provide some of their IRl info but I understand why you want this enforced. I maintain my own online secrecy but the only things I will provide is my First Name, Country and County/State.

I support this but It should only be enforced on personal data like Address, Phone Numbers, Email, Bank Details (Don't Think anyone is that stupid) Etc.

+Support and I don't mind anyone calling me my real name Michael
Hypothetically if @Chris said someone's full name over radio once is this against the rules

just asking for a mate
Glad no one knows my name. :kappa:

On a serious note, I think that this would come under "causing problems" seeing that every time information is leaked (blicky's vain) it all leads to a cluster fuck.
Glad no one knows my name. :kappa:

On a serious note, I think that this would come under "causing problems" seeing that every time information is leaked (blicky's vain) it all leads to a cluster fuck.
I agree, as I've said above I believe this falls under 1.4 as it is quite obviously causing problems, even though the rule is written in a way where it states that you want to cause problem I still stick to it, maybe we only need a change to 1.4?
Well, Easily said. If you don't want your identity on Perpheads don't share it then. This is more of a personal opinion...

It's not always their fault.

For example, I found out a lot of personal information about @Riekelt by accident, he had no control over this at all and there's not much more he could have reasonably done to prevent it.

On a side note; selling a staff member's address for only £15.
Most of this is common sense really and would fall under what Daymon mentioned of 1.4. I for one am okay with people knowing my name and what town I'm from, but I as well as many others would be annoyed if people begun sharing more private information such as phone numbers, exact address etc. I'd like to see something like this added but as previously mentioned, it's not a huge problem at the moment because it is enforced. Such as @Teemo posting my address in the shoutbox.