PSA: Guns do not overheat easily therefore THE BARREL ISN'T HOT.

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I know you fucking idiots out there who think that if a gun were to be fired or were to fire a few shots (let's say 6 for instance) within the last five minutes constitutes to a hot barrel hence being grounds for prosecution of a suspect, I am writing to tell you that you are wrong and you are an idiot.

Lloyd (who just fired 6 rounds from his Webley revolver) comments how after firing 6 shots in rapid succession how the barrel is not hot, not even warm.

However; if a gun (we'll say an AK47) shoots a load of rounds then yes you are completely right in saying "The gun barrel is hot therefore so this has been fired", however, this would be like 3 magazines worth. You'd probably be dead and it'll probably cool down after like five minutes or something so don't even bother.

You should rather be inspecting to see any evidence of firearm residue, however, someone may accuse you of power rping.

So what should you do if someone says /me feels the barrel to see if the weapon is hot?

/desc "the gun is not warm, however, is slightly sweaty because it has been down the user's trousers".
Things such as testing for gunshot residue on the suspect's hands & clothes and bullet casings matching the weapon's ammunition scattered within the general vicinty are much more accurate and realistic grounds for probable cause leading to prosecution.

If the shot was at extremely close range, blood and tissue within the barrel as a result of blowback could be used as evidence.

Heck, if you need to, inspecting the individual magazines for the ammo counts can be more realistic.
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Gunpowder residue on fingers, different guns heat differently, the internals of the gun stay warmer longer (slide action pistol aka almost every pistol). As for an AK or AR-15+ those guns heat up quickly. 1 magazine (30 shots) will have it warm for a good few minutes.
I mean do it realistically. If you believe a /desc is more realistic if you perform it with real facts do it.
I've been doing gunpowder (gun residue) tests already for over a year when somebody says the barrel is not hot.

There's many ways of finding out whether a gun was fired or not.

And as @Chase said AKs warm up faster.

In general, it's not against rules as it falls under rule 3.26 - ‘/me’ Function. If you know your facts, use them in RP. Remember not to make up facts and you're all good.

Rules of the almighty PERP said:
3.26 ‘/me’ Function
The ‘/me’ function may only be used to perform actions that cannot be effectively depicted within the gamemode. The ‘/me’ function has to be used in a realistic fashion
Depends on the weapon. A small pistol like that generally wont get hot until you've fired off a ton of rounds, but assault rifles will feel hot after a full 30 round magazine.
i'm not going to sit there for 30 mins with my balls in ur gun barrel to see if u shot it or not, the way it is now is fine and works
This is why whenever i have to deal with a firearms incident i tend to check for any gunpowder resedue and any other signs of shots being fired, not a warm fucking barrel.