Pushing the Boundaries

  • Thread starter Thread starter MattIs
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Today, a long term player decided to leave the community after getting streams of hate. I know this thread is going to get absolutely spammed Dumb but I really couldn't care less to be quite honest. No-one deserves to be driven out of a community by people hating on his personal lifestyle. He can advocate it all he wants, but you know to take it with a pinch of salt.

If we all hated, on each others lifestyles the world would be a complete wreck. What Andii posted, yes, was stupid. He shouldn't of advocated any type of drug but he hurt no-one by doing it.

He's been with us since the start, and we should respect that and along with it his lifestyle.

Go on, rate it dumb.

I wouldn't be here without @Garo.k and @Millheimer so I owe them my gratitude and respect. Thank you guys!
He left on his own accord, nobody drove him out, they simply refuted his statements about steroids and the danger behind them. Nobody wanted him to leave, stop acting like he is some kind of victim.
Maybe don't openly promote your "lifestyle", if you cant take people challenging it? We're not talking about some weed here, or a beer lol. Amazing day, guys.
Your all saying his a good guy and you miss him but when he was here and some took the micky out of him for said steroids even though he doesn't take them, you drove him out of the community.
I mean who gives a flying fuck if someone uses drugs for personal use? At the end of the day it's their decision... Sure steroids aren't exactly good for you and in the long term fuck you up. But what drug isn't these days?

I think everyone here is forgetting that Anabolic Steroids are legal to possess anyways in the UK? It's not like the rumors are about him taking heroin and even then it's still his body and his decision. I'm with Matt on this one, I always witnessed Andii getting shit anyway.

It's a massive shame to see him go, end of.
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I have to admit that it got out of hand a bit. Of course it was intended banter, but it turned into a hate Andii and Garo session.
We went too far.

I am sorry @Millheimer and @Garo.k

Still not accepting people saying steroids aren't bad tho. They're not good.
The thing is, the lifestyle of Andii and Garo is one of great discipline and strength. To be able to do what the do, and achieve what they have, is not easy.

People, drink, smoke, take illegal drugs, all the time. For what?, fun. Most people in this community, myself included, have nowhere near the strength of Andii and Garo, if we tried to do what they do, we'd kill ourselves. What pisses me off the most, is that you're all fucking keyboard warriors. You'll sit here, and talk shit about them now. But if you were in the same room, would you. I can guarantee you wouldn't. But behind the safety of a screen, who cares right?.

Now Andii and Garo may take steroids. But they have a goal, they work hard to achieve their size and strength. They're not competing officially, so they're not 'cheating'. Now although there are health risks, there are health risks involved in smoking, drinking, and doing illegal drugs such as weed. At least, when Andii and Garo take drugs, they're doing it for their benefit. Which is a lot better than simply sitting and drinking or smoking because you can.

At the end of the day, most of you aren't going to care about anything I've just said, and you're simply going to aggravate Millhiemer more. I only hope you get mugged one day by someone of their size. And you call them like you have called him, because they will smash the living shit out of you.
I can't ignore this thread anymore, so I am just giving my final statement now.

Many of you somehow started to believe that we just started mocking Andii and Garo for the simple reason of them using anabolics. That's actually wrong. We started it after they openly promoted it and shared wrong facts about it. I still don't understand how you can accept it, that they said stuff like "If you can't handle it then your body is weak." I mean Andii could go and chop his arms off, would be his decision.

Smoking and drinking IS more dangerous than anabolics if used excessively, but that doesn't mean that openly promoting it is okay? But there's still a life risk, so what's the point of this? It's like me saying that smoking 5 packs a day and getting drunk every day is good for you? What the fuck, seriously. The risk and gain factor is quite deep in the risk corner.

Adding up: the non medical use of it is illegal in Sweden and also in Germany. @Venomine give me the addresses of those shops selling it here, please. I will look up, if they actually meet the requirements to be allowed to sell it. I'd love to report them to the police if they don't. Don't know about the UK. I tried to read it up, but your laws make my head hurt. Maybe someone with more knowledge about this shit should post this, but I am pretty sure it is about the same as here.

Now @EVIL . Not denying that Andii and Garo work hard for their bodies. But the purpose behind anabolics is to gain more for less work? I don't know, if you ever entered a gym, but people there don't like other people who use anabolics and then go and brag about their bodies. I also like how you take the almighty knowledge of nobody ever reaching the strength of Andii and Garo? Not talking about me, I was never near that. I mean Hax is also quite active, but he isn't using anabolics, so I don't understand the point of your argument? Also, do you know why it's medical only in most countries? The risk and gain factor is quite low. So saying that they're doing it for the benefit is really interesting. And yeah, we are hiding behind our screens, you're hiding behind your character on PERPheads. Seems like we all got our bag to carry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And this "he could beat the living shit out of you" stuff amuses me. I could probably also beat the shit out of you, so what? Is it giving me a higher standing here? Would actually amaze me.

If you have questions, or anything regarding to this just PM me, or reply. I am going to answer it.

P.S. You know what's funny? Many docs actually think anabolics just have a placebo effect, so the only benefit might be a lie. But it's not proven so rip.
I can't ignore this thread anymore, so I am just giving my final statement now.

Many of you somehow started to believe that we just started mocking Andii and Garo for the simple reason of them using anabolics. That's actually wrong. We started it after they openly promoted it and shared wrong facts about it. I still don't understand how you can accept it, that they said stuff like "If you can't handle it then your body is weak." I mean Andii could go and chop his arms off, would be his decision.

Smoking and drinking IS more dangerous than anabolics if used excessively, but that doesn't mean that openly promoting it is okay? But there's still a life risk, so what's the point of this? It's like me saying that smoking 5 packs a day and getting drunk every day is good for you? What the fuck, seriously. The risk and gain factor is quite deep in the risk corner.

Adding up: the non medical use of it is illegal in Sweden and also in Germany. @Venomine give me the addresses of those shops selling it here, please. I will look up, if they actually meet the requirements to be allowed to sell it. I'd love to report them to the police if they don't. Don't know about the UK. I tried to read it up, but your laws make my head hurt. Maybe someone with more knowledge about this shit should post this, but I am pretty sure it is about the same as here.

Now @EVIL . Not denying that Andii and Garo work hard for their bodies. But the purpose behind anabolics is to gain more for less work? I don't know, if you ever entered a gym, but people there don't like other people who use anabolics and then go and brag about their bodies. I also like how you take the almighty knowledge of nobody ever reaching the strength of Andii and Garo? Not talking about me, I was never near that. I mean Hax is also quite active, but he isn't using anabolics, so I don't understand the point of your argument? Also, do you know why it's medical only in most countries? The risk and gain factor is quite low. So saying that they're doing it for the benefit is really interesting. And yeah, we are hiding behind our screens, you're hiding behind your character on PERPheads. Seems like we all got our bag to carry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And this "he could beat the living shit out of you" stuff amuses me. I could probably also beat the shit out of you, so what? Is it giving me a higher standing here? Would actually amaze me.

If you have questions, or anything regarding to this just PM me, or reply. I am going to answer it.

P.S. You know what's funny? Many docs actually think anabolics just have a placebo effect, so the only benefit might be a lie. But it's not proven so rip.

3 § Den som uppsåtligen bryter mot 2 § 2-7 döms för dopningsbrott till fängelse i högst två år. Är ett brott som avses i första stycket med hänsyn till mängden dopningsmedel samt övriga omständigheter att anse som ringa, döms till böter eller fängelse i högst sex månader.

This means that the person violating these laws get two years jail sentence, now note out that it says can, which gets chosen via how much it is.

Also just saying; I dont think you just get that voice
Perpheads is getting deep into emotions, I think it would be a good idea to appoint a community counsler.

On topic: It's their choice and we shouldn't pick on them for it, everyone has a right to do what they want with their body. There is a difference between "banter" and bullying.

Steroids make your dick smaller btw.
Perpheads is getting deep into emotions, I think it would be a good idea to appoint a community counsler.

On topic: It's their choice and we shouldn't pick on them for it, everyone has a right to do what they want with their body. There is a difference between "banter" and bullying.

Steroids make your dick smaller btw.
Yeah, bullying happens for a long period of time, this took place for like 30 min