Event Suggestion PVP training camp

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Suggestion Title: PVP training camp
Suggestion Description: What if we had a warehouse specifically for people to consensually fight for the purpose of learning how to not shit the bed when you get shot at.

Here is what I suggest, Weapons dont get picked up and upon death you come back as soon as NLR expires, pickup your weapon and reset and start again as the more experienced player teaches you strats, charges money and gets to work on their own aim by shooting you when you inevitably pull shots.

Why should this be added?:
- To learn the combat mechanics in a safer environment

What negatives could this have?:
- Life alerts getting set off, use of a large property that could otherwise be used by large orgs.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Being bad at the game
sounds like a roleplay concept idea you should do on your own! This would be fun to see happen in Farm or in Parker Materials, I also think the EMS would appreciate the paycheck and XP boost.

In terms of dedicating an entire part of the map to such an event, this is a waste of of map space. That map space can be used for roads, properties, roleplay, etc...
sounds like a roleplay concept idea you should do on your own! This would be fun to see happen in Farm or in Parker Materials, I also think the EMS would appreciate the paycheck and XP boost.

In terms of dedicating an entire part of the map to such an event, this is a waste of of map space. That map space can be used for roads, properties, roleplay, etc...
3.4 of doom
not really. If you want to roleplay and everyone involved at the time consents, there is no 3.4 or 2.5. I've done cowboy roleplay and had wild western duels in bazaar.
That iz 3.4 haha its literally value your life you are not valuing your life be going into a area to just kill eachother also its ineffective doing it in a rp scenario since you have to literally wait minutes to just die over and over again, you would also have to spend a glutinous amount on weapons and ammo therefore no person with brain dense would genuinely do this as it'd get them banned and waste money, the original idea is good like similar to shooting range however actually doing it IC Is different

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