Hey guys so you joined one of the government jobs and you want to make talking over the radio very clear and want to know a few things that can help well I have a few that can help.
Priority Messages.
Priority messages are to be used when something important needs to be sent over the radio without being disturbed by other radio users. Simply start your message with "Priority priority requesting radio priority" wait to be cleared by a SGT or the LT then transmit the message, to let everyone know that you are finished end with "Priority ends out".
I tried this out several times to get messages out and to make sure everyone can understand the message.
Letter Phoeonics.
This is mostly used when transmission is poor and you are using short acronims like PD and LT they can be hard to remember at first but you get the hand of them. I remembered almost all of them so here we go.
A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India Thanks @LordTyla and @Hayden
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor Cheers @Hayden
W - Whisky Typo fixed thanked you enough already
X - Xray
Y - Yankee
Z -Zulu Thanks again @Hayden
You can use these to make saying acronyms over the radio easier to hear and understand here are a few examples.
1. LT needed at PD - Lima Tango needed at Papa Delta
2. AOS suspect last seen at CD attempted assasination at CH - Alpha Oscar Sierra suspect last seen at Charlie Delta attempted assasination at Charlie Hotel.
They can be confusing to some officers who either do not know them or are unaware that the officer is using this to improve the radio messages he is sending.
Restricting your radio usage to important or emergency only.
Officers tend to get sick and tired of constant chatter over the radio so try restricting your messages unless they are needed. During a raid chatter should be at minimum and only officers who are not engaged or have the building under lockdown should use the radio as fighting tends to cause screeming and shouting.
Using the radio.
Well I forgot to tell you how to fully use the radio my bad here we go.
The radio is the tool that the police uses for communication without it it will be a bunch of cops not knowing what to do. To transmit general messages hold B and talk like you are using voice chat or for text chat use /radio. To transmit to the dispatcher hold N and do the same as the last one.
To mute your radio hold the H key be aware that it may take a few seconds and you cannot mute dispatchers. If you are trying to contact the Mayor or SS be aware that they cannot hear the voice radio only text
If you cannot get some people on the radio dispatchers can link or unlink radio's so you only hear the units linked to you by default you are linked to everyone.
Priority Messages.
Priority messages are to be used when something important needs to be sent over the radio without being disturbed by other radio users. Simply start your message with "Priority priority requesting radio priority" wait to be cleared by a SGT or the LT then transmit the message, to let everyone know that you are finished end with "Priority ends out".
I tried this out several times to get messages out and to make sure everyone can understand the message.
Letter Phoeonics.
This is mostly used when transmission is poor and you are using short acronims like PD and LT they can be hard to remember at first but you get the hand of them. I remembered almost all of them so here we go.
A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India Thanks @LordTyla and @Hayden
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor Cheers @Hayden
W - Whisky Typo fixed thanked you enough already

X - Xray
Y - Yankee
Z -Zulu Thanks again @Hayden
You can use these to make saying acronyms over the radio easier to hear and understand here are a few examples.
1. LT needed at PD - Lima Tango needed at Papa Delta
2. AOS suspect last seen at CD attempted assasination at CH - Alpha Oscar Sierra suspect last seen at Charlie Delta attempted assasination at Charlie Hotel.
They can be confusing to some officers who either do not know them or are unaware that the officer is using this to improve the radio messages he is sending.
Restricting your radio usage to important or emergency only.
Officers tend to get sick and tired of constant chatter over the radio so try restricting your messages unless they are needed. During a raid chatter should be at minimum and only officers who are not engaged or have the building under lockdown should use the radio as fighting tends to cause screeming and shouting.
Using the radio.
Well I forgot to tell you how to fully use the radio my bad here we go.
The radio is the tool that the police uses for communication without it it will be a bunch of cops not knowing what to do. To transmit general messages hold B and talk like you are using voice chat or for text chat use /radio. To transmit to the dispatcher hold N and do the same as the last one.
To mute your radio hold the H key be aware that it may take a few seconds and you cannot mute dispatchers. If you are trying to contact the Mayor or SS be aware that they cannot hear the voice radio only text
If you cannot get some people on the radio dispatchers can link or unlink radio's so you only hear the units linked to you by default you are linked to everyone.
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