Police Guidlines

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City of Paralake Police Department
Hello, after talking with some staff and experienced Lieutenants I've decided to make this list of rules all good officers should follow. I often choose to have officers follow these rules when I'm Lt., so supervisors feel free to use this.
Radio Protocol
  • Keep radio traffic to a bare minimum
  • The most senior officer in the force will take the role of radio control. This may be delegated to a supervisor by the Lt but not to a regular officer.
  • Use your assigned callsign and stick to radio protocols. Your callsign is simply your last name.
  • Radio message protocol: Callsign2 this is Callsign1 WAIT FOR GO AHEAD Transmit message. You may pass a message to a specific officer (eg callsign2), all availible callsigns or control.
  • Do not interrupt a radio message unless you have a priority message. Priority messages are essentially panic button situations.
  • If you must interrupt a radio message identify it as being a priority message. All panic buttons should be accompanied by a priority radio message where possible detailing your location and if possible a brief description of the situation.
  • Do not ask for "radio silence" or say 10-3 over voice transmission. Use text instead. It's annoying and prevents correct use of the radio system.
  • When radioing in a pursuit, format your radio message in the following way; "Control, this is Callsign1". When you are advised that you can continue please transmit the vehicles make, model, colour, number of occupants, current location and direction of travel. After doing so, ask control if you may proceed. If they say yes update them with the vehicles location and direction before repeating the previous step. If they say no please wait until you are told you can proceed.

General Conduct and Procedures
  • Do not ask for SWAT to be put on standby or code 10. This is an order and can only be issued by a supervisor
  • Do not say that you are responding to an incident over voice, use text.
  • Officers may NOT order SWAT to be deployed unless there is no supervisor available.
  • Swear words may only be used in situations where complete dominance is required I.E an armed subject refusing to drop their weapon, or a riot.
  • Wherever possible try and phone your colleagues instead of using radio for long messages.
  • For minor offences, try and punish through means of a ticket rather than arrest.
  • All officers must carry cones, barriers and bandages.
  • All medical calls for a heal rather than a revive must be transmitted over text.
  • Civillian medical calls are not a priority/panic button issue. You may use voice to request assistance however you will probably get a faster response by calling 911.
  • If you hear shots or fire shots yourself you MUST call it in so a supervisor can attend.
  • Any behavior, action or belief that could call the PLPD's reputation into dispute or lead to corruption/criminality will be considered a grave breach of section 11 of the Paralake City law and will be dealt with accordingly.
SWAT Procedures
  • When there is more than one SWAT officer on duty the team must elect a team leader themselves.
  • The SWAT vehicle is to occupy the parking space nearest the intersection at the back of the PD. No other officer should occupy this spot, even when there are no SWAT officers on duty.
  • No SWAT officer should select a sniper rifle from the armory without prior permission from a supervisor. Sniper rifles should not be routinely issued and should only be taken out when responding to a call where a supervisor has identified the need for a marksman.
  • SWAT may only deploy autonomously when a panic button has been pressed. NOT for a life alert. (( I am aware that this goes against a law, I have cleared it with senior staff))
  • At any major incident where SWAT are on scene, the most senior officer will take command and the SWAT commander will be second in command.
  • When not on code 10, the SWAT team should remain inside the police department. No radios or televisions are to be used in any area except for the "turtle room" near the main office area.
Major Incidents (Including lockdowns)

A major incident can be defined as any emergency that requires the implementation of special arrangements by one or more of the Emergency Services, or the government of Paralake for:
  1. The initial treatment, rescue and transport of a large number of casualties.
  2. The involvement, either directly or indirectly, of large numbers of people.
  3. The handling of a large number of enquires likely to be generated, both from the public and the news media, usually to the Police.
  4. The need for large scale combined resources of the emergency services.
  5. The mobilisation and organisation of the emergency services and supporting organisations, e.g.. local government, to cater for the threat of death, serious injury or homelessness to a large number of people.
  • A major incident may only be declared by the most senior police officer in the force after consultation with the other emergency services.
  • If a major incident is declared, the area affected shall be completely restricted to all public access under law 11.6. Police officers must close off the restricted area using clear indicators such as cones, stationary vehicles and barricades.
  • All emergency services must be present at a major incident.
  • A rendezvous point (hereafter known as RVP) must be set up away from whatever danger is posed. This point will be identified by the scene commander.
  • The scene commander shall be the most senior officer in the force.
  • EMS and Fire crews must wait at the RVP to be called into the scene. 1 police officer shall always remain at the RVP.
  • Any person arrested or detained in association with the incident is to be taken to the RVP where the duty officer will guard them. There must be 1 officer to every 5 detainees, additional officers can be pulled back from the incident to assist the duty officer.
  • If a lockdown is enacted, officers must proceed to the points identified on the map below. The lockdown RVP will be either the Fire Dept. or the city hall car park.
Red lines represent police roadblocks, yellow triangles represent possible RVP's.

Work in progress.
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4.5 SWAT Officers- SWAT Officers must remain within the Police Department at all times unless it is appropriate for them
to deploy to a location(s); appropriate reasons include, but are not limited to, being specifically called-for by a law-enforcement
officer, responding to a Life Alert of a law-enforcement officer, if law 11.12 has been put into effect, etc. If a SWAT Officer
witnesses a crime, they should notify the emergency services and should only intervene if a firearm has been used and/or
if life has been threatened. SWAT officers are already trained, under no circumstances may they train at locations around
the map, even with the Mayor’s or Lieutenants permission.

SWAT should respond to a life alert
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