Police Suggestion Radio: one-way communication, second channel.

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Suggestion Title: Radio: one-way
Suggestion Description: In line with realism and communication standards similar to every police force in the European union, USA and even India: One person can speak at a time. British bobbies will know this as Airwave, americans as project 25, EU as TETRA. Because this is perp: Sergeants have the ability to speak over people, as well as Dispatch. To prevent abuse, mods, Sergeants and Dispatch can remotely disable someone's radio.

Additionally, when dispatch is available, there is a secondary channel, not related to the incident itself per se. Many times, the incident goes so fast by the time you have assigned everyone, other units have joined or have spotted, for example, a fleeing car even though they are not in the incident radio. It takes unnessary time and overhead to ask dispatch to assign you to the incident, or to go to a police computer and assign yourself. During an incident, any officer can propose to communicate in the secondary channel. For example:

> There is no incident, everyone is talking in Channel 1 (B)
> There is a persuit
> Units related to, or joining the persuit switch are talking in Channel 1, because there are no other incidents.
> A raid in Subs is reported.
> The persuit moves to channel 2, any officer can propose this.
> Channel 1 is free to deal with the raid. Channel 1 mutes channel 2 and vise versa.

Dispatch can enforce communication to the secondary channel. A (secondary) dispatcher can toggle between Channel 1 and Channel 2 and can provide new information, like a call or CCTV.

Why should this be added?:
- The radio, for some reason is extreme cancer. Often times you have people screaming that they need a supervisor through critical information in a raid. People asking how they have to wipe their ass when you're in a persuit, usually 5 people at the same time saying completely unnessesary things.

What negatives could this have?:
- Critical information cannot be shared, however, this change forces people to actually think about using the radio, instead of being muted, pressing B and talking through everyone else.
- During a panic: The officer panicking has 20 seconds to speak. His timer ends when he released the mic for a full second. Whenever i panic, i have to talk over 5 people screaming: "I AM RESPONDING" over actually being able to say what is going on.
Loving this suggestion, airway system works well here in the UK. Unsure how difficult it'll be to implement but any way to enforce radio protocol and to reduce the aids I'm sure many will be in favour. Only concern is if there's a minger constantly hogging the radio disallowing others to speak, so if there's a swift way for supervisors to mute particular officers radios. This would also be dealt with accordingly OOC by staff.
To be fair we already have incident channels which should be utilised like this, but no one does so, I think introducing a system like this would make it easier hence why more people would use it, so +1.
Corporal should be able to have this priority too but be overridden by sergeant and so on upward the rank chain since CPLs are also responsible for restraining government employees when they decide to go rogue.

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