Raid was over bro

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Your Steam/In-game Name:Misel/Nikola Rodic
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jak Birksy / Limbikani Oghenkevwu
His/Her SteamID: Jak-STEAM_1:1:68130601
Why Should This Player Be Punished: So we raided morons and projex kinda at the same time and everything went good we killed all the suspects and got everything confiscated and as we start to clean up someone decides to go to bazaar gas station and start shooting at us (the guy camping behind the tesla) and when we shoot him down after a quite long shootout we start getting shot from the back of bazaar (Limbikani Oghenkevwu) in my mind this is clearly 3.4 risking his life for people who are dead and have no chance of being revived and the 2 people weren't facing any punishment or anything, they where unknown to us and didn't have a warrent or anything. Again nothing was going on we were about to leave the area until someone shot from the gas station.
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people who we had previously told to flank were cuffed at the gas station and quinten was still alive when me and jak made our way to projex. The raid might have been over but there were cuffed people at the gas station we were trying to save too.
people who we had previously told to flank were cuffed at the gas station and quinten was still alive when me and jak made our way to projex. The raid might have been over but there were cuffed people at the gas station we were trying to save too.
I do not believe we had anyone cuffed in the gas station, we got the call that it was code 4 and all suspects down?
I do not believe we had anyone cuffed in the gas station, we got the call that it was code 4 and all suspects down?
I know I had quinten and tom henderson cuffed in P4 just before I died so they may have still been there
I know I had quinten and tom henderson cuffed in P4 just before I died so they may have still been there
I do not believe we had anyone cuffed in the gas station, we got the call that it was code 4 and all suspects down?

Taylor was cuffed at the gas station, i saw him just before i ran a cop over and thats how he escaped and killed you at the end. I didnt know quinten had died yet but my immediate goal was to save taylor at the gas station. Im the one in the video who you shot with your pistol shooting down onto projex, the situation where you died at the end i had no involvement in as i had already died while trying to save taylor, not quite sure why he drew more attention to himself.
I'll let @Collier take over for this.
Seconds before I got pushed out by some PLPD members, I requested for flankers, so we could push out. Unfortunately, just after I gave the confirmation to Dom & Jak, I got pushed by cops and by some acrobatics from the PLPD, I wasn't able to survive. They could not know that I had been shot, as the only communication we had was via org message(s). There for they flanked. I also got revived seconds later and there where for 100k+ of guns within the property that remained after I was shot down.

I don't really see the reason for an AR for this, but yeah I will leave it to Mr. @Collier to deal with it.
I killed a good number of the flankers and it was all very very fun, why even make an AR for this? We made like 9k in confiscations and ended up with MORE warrants to get money from confiscations!
From what I can see, Quinten was still in handcuffs somewhere in business when the second flank started in an attempt to save MoonTheGoon and Quinten (who had previously asked for a flank and who was in handcuffs inside P4), it did not look like Quinten had been moved yet by the time the flank started.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not see an issue based on my understanding of the situation.
Basically, this is what happened:

>Rooty tooty point and shooty at projex
> Criminals all got deep six'd
> Quinten got revived
> Flankerinos at Morons
> Morons die
> We move quinten out to an RTU truck
> Flankers come in just as the RTU truck with Quinten leaves city bridge

Sure it was code 4'd awhile ago when they flanked but whoever called the code 4 was obviously wrong, as we were flanked seconds after Quinten was extracted from the business sector.

Basically, Hitler The flankers did nothing wrong.
From what I can see, Quinten was still in handcuffs somewhere in business when the second flank started in an attempt to save MoonTheGoon and Quinten (who had previously asked for a flank and who was in handcuffs inside P4), it did not look like Quinten had been moved yet by the time the flank started.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not see an issue based on my understanding of the situation.
From what i have heard now it seems like it, sorry for this i did not know he was in cuffs i didn't get any information about that from my fellow employees
From what i have heard now it seems like it, sorry for this i did not know he was in cuffs i didn't get any information about that from my fellow employees
No worries, I am going to go ahead and close this. If you feel this is a mistake, contact me on Steam to reopen this.
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