Randomly generated fires / more fires.

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Topic: Randomly generated fires / more fires.

Short explanation (with notes):
More fires for the firefighters.
- Randomly generated fires when it's a hot day in the forest?

Detailed description (why should it become added/...)
Alright well, firefighter is a pretty boring job right? I've not seen someone sit through a whole afternoon as one because there is hardly any fires.

I think fires (as Niko said) should happen when it's a hot day and not randomly in the backyard and instead, a forest fire starts? I mean, not all the times but it has a chance to catch fire just like in real life.

Optional additions:
- Add a TV in the firestation?

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Thing is, to avoid becoming an extremely negative thing, the fires would have to have started somewhere where they, well, actually would. Not in someone's backyard, but more like the farm, in all of those corn and such. Or the forest, with all the trees. And (if) the server has a dry and hot climate IC, the chances of that actually happening are high.

But if I suddenly get a fire in my backyard, at the car dealer, or inside my house, I wouldn't want this.
Might want to use the template buddy.

But I agree, I was actually thinking about this idea today and have been thinking about it before as well.
I think that auto generated fired around the map would be great. They should only happen when there actually is a firefighter on duty. For example auto generated fires in dumpsters and "model houses" (the ones that you can't buy) would be a good start.

I also personally love playing as a firefighter, but it's just so rarely that they are needed.
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+Support from me. Do as @Fexxe said and do so it will only generate fires when there's a firefighter on. And maybe not in the suburbs backyard or so but in dumpsters and parks to a start.
As @StephenPuffs (spelt your name correctly evening though you have a stupid spelt name ;) ) has already stated, this system would be a pain in the ass as it would create lag on the server, also you risk having the whole of the area submerged in fire if there is a lousy or non-existent fire squad.
I really don't see how this would benefit anyone, what happens when people are walking / driving through the forest and a fire suddenly appears out of nowhere. This may give fire fighters a higher callout amount however it's not really going to change anything and firefighter will stay relatively the same.

I get what you're saying and I understand this sometimes happens in real life, but creating random fires is more of a annoyance rather than a benefit.
If they happened in other places besides houses people use this would be awesome. This would benefit alot of people @AyJay . Creates rp for firemen and easy money, gives police a job when not doing anything. And gives a purpose to the fire department Because they are never really needed at all. It shouldnt be an annoyance to people unless fires and the color red offend you?
I agree, the fire men job can be boring from time to time. but the chance of a forest fire starting should be low just to keep it realistic.
Well lets put some random dead / unconcious bodies and random criminals or more random bank raids for other jobs too. Its actually kind of bullshit to be honest.
Only person this would appeal to is @Mannerwaffel and his fire department, it'd piss everyone else off. I doubt this is a good idea, it'd create lag, close off a whole chunk of the map, risk of no one putting it out and staff having to intervene. It's a lot of bad points and not enough good points really.
I agree with you, but here is the thing. If a fire come's out of nowhere and some people wont see that right away the server is probably gonna lag, and when the fire's are to big the FF's computers will crash and no one can put the fire out. also i dont think if its a hot day a fire will come guaranteed, mostly it will when someone throw's a empty can in the forrest and the sun reflects the light.

The large fires can make the server extremely laggy sometimes, so having the more frequent would indeed be a pain in the arse. I do agree that working as a fireman on the server is extremely boring sometimes, but I do not feel this is the solution to fix that...
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