Rather small suggestion but why not...

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Topic: Buying cans of drink from vending machines.

Short explanation (in notes):
-...Pretty self-explanatory but you press "E" on the vending machine, and it has a menu of drinks which can be bought.
-...Helpful for police officers in the Police Department
-...Small, quick refreshments to just promote RP a little

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
It should become added because it's a small thing and to be honest "Small things make a difference", so I just thought why not. Would be cool in a way even though it isn't that major.
That's a good idea because then they become in use. You might need the template but I'm not sure. Anyway, +support.
It would also be fun to have something that could give like snacks to also get some food + support
Iv seen it on other servers its an alright idea nothing major to add though.
Firstly, I'm not against something like this, however I feel like our system of eating/hunger is far from great in many ways as your diet consists of completely unhealthy things really, and you never need to take a drink of water or anything. Also you're able to eat everything in less than a second. I'm not fond of the idea of making it so things like burgers and other fast food type items give you less recovery to hunger, but I also think they shouldn't be the same as a healthy food choice (when we add in other options for people to eat) but how to make them different exactly is going to be a trick figuring out.

To get to the point, yes I would like to have quick pick-me-ups such as sodas from vending machines, however right now they are too easily substituted for food really. So I would like to do something with that first.
Need more people willing to run a food chain meaning RP the restaurants and maybe have a cook job for cooking foods that get your hunger up more quicker and maybe regenerate some health back dunno about that one but at least would promote people to buy uwe burger or some other restaurants like hungriges schwein so it would be nice to take your friend to a restaurant and have some good rp time there cause I now dont see this beeing used at all
Ragnarock;n17533 said:
Need more people willing to run a food chain meaning RP the restaurants and maybe have a cook job for cooking foods that get your hunger up more quicker and maybe regenerate some health back dunno about that one but at least would promote people to buy uwe burger or some other restaurants like hungriges schwein so it would be nice to take your friend to a restaurant and have some good rp time there cause I now dont see this beeing used at all


I've always felt like there is never any restaurant RP, and as Stephen said, I think its because food is just an "thing" you gotta spam once in awhile. The perfect food system for me, would be the ability to craft food, and gain skill in cooking. Better food will keep you full for longer, and perhaps give small bonuses and / or unhealthy food would make you run out of breath, and be more thirsty. And as just said, I think there should be a Thirst meter, which makes vending machines a perfect idea.
+Support Having been in the police job many times, and just driving for around an hour, you tend to hear "Sometimes I dream about cheese..." at that point, you think "Oh deary me" Then begin the long trek to the nearest Freddy's which sometimes is horrible, but definatly this would improve the game so you don't have to drive to the Freddy's (And if you're anything like me and go to the city one, you go"SHIT SHIT SHIT"Because you forgot to withdraw any money, also as Stephen said, it would be interesting to have to force people to drink as well as eat, that way you don't just spam a burger down your gullet to save the day.
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