Ratings on the Ideas & Suggestions section

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Reaction score
Description of the idea: Give us the ability to rate posts and replies again. The point that the poll is enough for the developers, although most likely true, I think is silly to use in order to disallow anyone from rating stuff. The Dumb rating that was considered as toxic was removed and there are plenty of ratings other than agree and disagree which I want to be able to give to either the post itself or any other replies.

Why should this be added? (pros): More freedom
You can express your thoughts on replies (constructive ones even) without the need to reply "ah yes I agree with this guy's point".
Dumb rating already removed so less toxicity ratings.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Developers don't care about ratings when reviewing suggestions (which isn't really a con to being able to rate stuff again).
Disagree and dislike are negative ratings so an unpopular opinion might make the maker sad.
You can express your thoughts on replies (constructive ones even) without the need to reply "ah yes I agree with this guy's point".
If all you have to say is "ah yes I agree with this guy's point", vote yes. If you have a suggestion to modify the original idea, reply with your version of the original idea. If you only want to say you don't agree with the original post, vote no. If you want to be more specific, reply
This comment is to inform you that I have rated your post "disagree", due to the fact I disagree with your post.
Was there a specific reason the remove the ratings in the first place?
Edit: The sentence you quoted was talking about replies since there aren't yes or no polls for replies.
This comment is to inform you that I have rated your reply "agree", due to the fact I agree with your reply.
Toxicity, people would rate suggestions and then provide no feedback
They are suggestions? There's nothing toxic about disagreeing with a suggestion without providing feedback.
@Inchs Isn't that the same with the "No" option on the poll? The only difference is that now with the poll it's anonymous.
@JBirksy As mentioned in the post, the dumb rating was removed. What would I need to write as to why I agree with something if I just agree with what a guy said.
@flugs Where would you use the diagree rating elsewhere? With this logic, ratings should be removed from rule suggestions as well. If people really care about their reaction points that much then either change the disagree rating to a neutral one instead of a negative one or just remove the negative ratings system and have dislike and disagree do nothing to your points at all.
They serve no purpose for the outcome of the suggestion

The ability to rate posts within this section was removed for two reasons,
1) Some players did not dare to post suggestions that might have resulted in a lot of bad ratings.
2) They have no impact on the accepted/deny decision.
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