Recomendation Finlay Russel

Reaction score
Finlay is a great guy! He is always professional and calm. He never screams at you and will explain you how you can improve yourself.
He is showing great knowledge about the server rules. He is a respectable member. And I think that I speak for everyone when I say we want to see him as an enforcer!♡ @finlay3110
I'd agree to some extent to be fair,

Finlay can be a good roleplayer, however he usually gets quite cocky in certain situation which brings him down. And I know a lot of people are on him about his voice and such but the thing is, the only reason for that is because of him being cocky, if he was not to be as cocky I don't think he would be so much of a "meme" that everyones making him out to be with his voice.
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Finlay's inexperience in life and his cute voice makes up some for entertaining roleplay. Everybody makes fun of him but he continues to play the way he wants to play, and that's really good for him. Fuck the haters, if you want to roleplay a 'cocky' character then he has all the right to do so. The same way as i roleplay a extremely narcist/racist/rude/mental character, this in no way reflects on my actual/real personality.
Finlay's inexperience in life and his cute voice makes up some for entertaining roleplay. Everybody makes fun of him but he continues to play the way he wants to play, and that's really good for him. Fuck the haters, if you want to roleplay a 'cocky' character then he has all the right to do so. The same way as i roleplay a extremely narcist/racist/rude/mental character, this in no way reflects on my actual/real personality.
// on phone so unable to comment
The way I act in character is no way how my real life personality is. Trust me on this.