Recommendation for Callum Byford (Good RP)

Reaction score
Coventry, United Kingdom
I'm recommending this player as he showed great examples of police roleplay from a non senior officer.

I was mugged by 2 guys inside my apartment, I ran to the Police department to report the crime, the officer calmed me down and took me to the interrogation room, he then took out his notepad asked for the time of the mug, the place, the items lost, a description of the male and female who mugged me and also provided a spare phone and his personal phone number, he told me that the PLPD will be on the lookout for the suspects and will call me over to identify when suitable, I suggested also to call him whenever I see the persons in public, he advised me to do so but with caution from a distance, a few minutes later I was pulling up to road crew station to fix my car, I saw a red car with the 2 people who mugged me earlier, I hid at the station and called the officer to take them in, he pulled up and started speaking to the suspects, I heard gunshots and I fled the scene, after a few minutes I came back to see the suspects lying on the floor along with the officer, I asked a local officer what happened and he told me that the man and woman tried to murder the officer, no-one really knows what happened but one thing is for sure, the officer sacrificed his life to single-handedly take down the suspects in the difficult situation in which they tried to kill him.

Thanks for the fun RP experiance.