@Blicky : Overall the new Daymon now that @John Daymon is admin. Really hope that you get promoted soon. You are an outstanding staff member out of my perspective, I have always kind of looked up to.
@jimmythehamster : Well well Jimmy, we have known each other for over a year now and I strongly believe a lot of people fail to recognize what you do for the patrol division. You may not be the most active one in-game, but trust me I know the behind the scenes work you do. Please keep it up and stay awesome.
@Jon Godinn : I guess you know why you are in here Jon. We have been friends since day one. You legitimately are a living meme. But that's what I love you for, you just make me laugh my ass of every time we talk or you Whatsapp call me at 3 am because you are drunk.
@Creepis : Na gut Furki.. Also du bist einfach einer der geilsten Admins hier, muss man ja mal so sagen. Bleib wie du bist und pass auf, dass sich keine kleinen Türken bei der Hochzeit ihrer Tante die Birne weg schießen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@LEWIS 088 : Keeping it short and simple. Lewis, you are, out of my eyes one of the most hard working admins. Even though some classify you as a Nazi, those that really know you know that also have a got a different kind of personality.
@Palono : One of the most longstanding, still active players from Evo. We had a lot of fun together, Palono and your gun shops are just the best.
@Larry Gibbons : First off, I got to say that I am glad you didn't join road traffic xD. Second of all, I would like to tell you how much I love your work as an officer in-game. You always try to do your best and improve yourself, keep it up.
@Garret_Pp : Still sad that you resigned Garret. I always loved playing with you. It was a bunch of fun, especially your EMS RP with all of your medical knowledge. Please return one day
@MrLewis : Lewis I just really have to thank you for all that you are doing for the whole staff team. I can't really put in words what have made possible for me and others. I really appreciate it, please keep doing what you are doing.
@AyJay : Your PH career defiantly had more ups and downs than mine had xD. After all tho, I am happy to see you where you are today. You are doing an outstading job as captain and so would you as enforcer the third time, putting up another record.
@Alex_:D : Even tough you aren't really active Alex, you are awesome. Late nights on TS will never get boring with you haha.
@jimmythehamster : Well well Jimmy, we have known each other for over a year now and I strongly believe a lot of people fail to recognize what you do for the patrol division. You may not be the most active one in-game, but trust me I know the behind the scenes work you do. Please keep it up and stay awesome.
@Jon Godinn : I guess you know why you are in here Jon. We have been friends since day one. You legitimately are a living meme. But that's what I love you for, you just make me laugh my ass of every time we talk or you Whatsapp call me at 3 am because you are drunk.
@Creepis : Na gut Furki.. Also du bist einfach einer der geilsten Admins hier, muss man ja mal so sagen. Bleib wie du bist und pass auf, dass sich keine kleinen Türken bei der Hochzeit ihrer Tante die Birne weg schießen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@LEWIS 088 : Keeping it short and simple. Lewis, you are, out of my eyes one of the most hard working admins. Even though some classify you as a Nazi, those that really know you know that also have a got a different kind of personality.
@Palono : One of the most longstanding, still active players from Evo. We had a lot of fun together, Palono and your gun shops are just the best.
@Larry Gibbons : First off, I got to say that I am glad you didn't join road traffic xD. Second of all, I would like to tell you how much I love your work as an officer in-game. You always try to do your best and improve yourself, keep it up.
@Garret_Pp : Still sad that you resigned Garret. I always loved playing with you. It was a bunch of fun, especially your EMS RP with all of your medical knowledge. Please return one day

@MrLewis : Lewis I just really have to thank you for all that you are doing for the whole staff team. I can't really put in words what have made possible for me and others. I really appreciate it, please keep doing what you are doing.
@AyJay : Your PH career defiantly had more ups and downs than mine had xD. After all tho, I am happy to see you where you are today. You are doing an outstading job as captain and so would you as enforcer the third time, putting up another record.
@Alex_:D : Even tough you aren't really active Alex, you are awesome. Late nights on TS will never get boring with you haha.