Police Suggestion Reduce the sentence for assault


Reaction score
North East

Suggestion Title: Reduce the sentence for assault
Suggestion Description: Reduce the sentence for assault because 5 years 5k for punching someone once is absurd and cringe

Why should this be added?:
Assault, while a violent crime, has a wide variety of different severities. Punching someone once is not grounds for such a gratuitous sentence, and a lot less severe than something such as sexual assault, which has a lower max ticket and the same hitting (this is just an example.)

I believe that assault should be reduced to like 2.5k 3 years, while reckless endangerment be increase to 5k 5 years. Then, anyone who inflicts a serious injury (knocking another player out,) can be charged at the same level as a typical assault, while hitting someone once doesn't lead to a terminally online cop dragging you to PD and giving you the maximum sentence.

What negatives could this have?:
- PD cant be as harsh anymore :(

What problem would this suggestion solve?: It's very annoying to punch someone once as a joke and have a police officer intervene and take you straight to jail. Attatched image is me when I get a max ticket for hitting someone once or twice.

Useful Images: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51atG42azWL._UXNaN_FMjpg_QL85_.jpg
You don’t have to be given 5 years 5K for it, that is the maximum sentence. Peaceful policies also states that all punishments should be justified and proportionate to the crime committed.
You don’t have to be given 5 years 5K for it, that is the maximum sentence. Peaceful policies also states that all punishments should be justified and proportionate to the crime committed.

hate to tell you but no one ever follows this and I've recieved multiple 5k tickets for a very minor assault, hence the concept of almost creating another tier of law to cover minor assaults so officers are further discouraged from doing this.
I think people are misunderstanding the suggestion's purpose. The suggestion is that getting 5 years in prison (and/or a 5k ticket) should not even be an option for very minor assault. The peaceful policies policy does exist, but it is not nearly strong enough to actually compel anyone to reduce sentences in the interest of being reasonable and not cringe. It is also not strong enough to actually be enforced this way either.

I actually like this suggestion personally. If not in this form, there should absolutely be some mechanism that prevents overly harsh sentences for crimes wherein only minor damages occurred.
hate to tell you but no one ever follows this and I've recieved multiple 5k tickets for a very minor assault

I can speak for myself that I have been given 5k tickets for minor assaults, but as an officer I dont do the same. It really just depends on the officer and if you feel it was disproportionate or unreasonable you'd just have to make an IA.
I think people are misunderstanding the suggestion's purpose. The suggestion is that getting 5 years in prison (and/or a 5k ticket) should not even be an option for very minor assault. The peaceful policies policy does exist, but it is not nearly strong enough to actually compel anyone to reduce sentences in the interest of being reasonable and not cringe. It is also not strong enough to actually be enforced this way either.

I actually like this suggestion personally. If not in this form, there should absolutely be some mechanism that prevents overly harsh sentences for crimes wherein only minor damages occurred.
To me the only issue with this is that I will probably never ticket someone 5y5k right away if he punched someone. But with 9.1 it almost never ends on punching somoene once. The suspect will get a ticket, be let go and do the same thing on and on, and if I see him punching someone once for the 4th time, giving me, an officer a headace and minging about, ill go straight for the 5y5k charge as the dude definately needs a little break.

Maybe revamp the law so certain charges have harsher punishments for recidivism? It is realistic as it already works like that for speeding tickets in some countries and other stuff too.

If I give someone 5yr5k for assault, it's because they're a minge and they deserve it, or they were given an opportunity to stop, and continued anyway. Just need better policies to discourage max sentences for the tiniest reason.