Reducing assisting wait time. [5.3]

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: [5.3]
If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 30 minutes after they have re-spawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property.

Your version of the rule (Debatable):
If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 10 (or a different reduced time) minutes after they have re-spawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:
As of now you're unable to flank after you died as a civilian, due to them having to wait 30 minutes after re-spawning they pretty much won't be able to involve them self within the situation. Government officials don't have to wait this time, they can just keep running in after there NLR timer expires (5 minutes), if they get called back. I see this as a massive gap that should be changed. From what I have been told, this rule got made because of the quote;"massive amounts of rimlickers". In my perspective I have seen this "problem" being reduced to a minimum level, with multiple organisations now that are balancing out the game.

As it was a staff made decision from what I have been told, the community didn't had a word in it, so I would like it to have it as an open discussion for the entire community to cast there "vote" within the current rule and hopefully balancing the rule more for both sides.

By changing the time to 10 (or a more balanced time) minutes, you still give the police an advantage, without making it to one-sided, hopefully we will see some decent arguments.
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I okay both as cop as criminal and I know what u mean, but your POV is also from a person that plays always as a criminal, maybe you would like to see how the officers need to conduct a raid where every person in the server is a flanker and ignores orders under gp "be it's police and they can't shoot us", crims just say "report them then" but we both know it's impossible to deal with all this.

I have been a Sergeant, supervisor from IA and supervisor from Academy. So unfortunately your argument isn't accurate. I've been playing quite often (for my activity) as a LEO. In my in-game time as a LEO, i do not recount a moment that the PD had lost a raid, while I was on duty (please correct me if I'm wrong).
-Remington M24 with Nightforce scope and suppressor
Restricted by policy and can only really be used properly if someone has mastered it considering it's a godawful sniper in the hands of most.
-M4A1 with a Holo sight and compensator
-Benelli M3 with a reflex sight
-M16A4 with a compensator and an electronic sight
-MP5A4 with a suppressor, Red dot sight, and crane stock
-G36c with a compensator and an electronic sight
-Scar L with a compensator and electronic sight
- Famas with a compensator and an electronic sight
Out of these only a few get used with great interest, mainly M4 and the Scar.
MP5 is something people use literally as a meme.
G36C is underrated.
Famas is uncontrollable for most.
M16 is underrated,
You also state that most come with an electronic sight while that is true, most people rip it straight off to use the red dot instead because most are blocking 40% of your screen.
Not even mentioning that you get access to all of this and more.

- A large selection of handguns
Actually quite a normal selection, you even get more as a Sergeant.

- Additional marksmanship
Because most people who like to be in the PD don't like crafting 1 billion sniper ammo to get the same, they get a bonus so they don't miss out on a large part of the game.

- Flashbangs
- C2 charges
- Nightstick
- You can get those + more
- Bombs innit
- Any melee weapon.

- Legal exemption from section 7 of the Paralake Penal code
You do as well if you act under law 2.1 or 2.2???

- An armoured van
Which can be destroyed, even more easily than the past.

- Full body armour halfing the damage of any shot they take
So they actually stand a chance when they have to enter a building because it's their job.

- Seamless communication between collegues without having a phone obstructing your view
You get /org which is more powerful because no one can see what you say. Teamspeak which is seamless as well, you can even hear if someone is gun pointed because when they talk everyone can hear.

- medics who can revive you if you are rendered unconcious
Medics work both ways, not just magically just for cops.

- 5 bandages to patch yourself up with
As many bandages as you are capable of carrying.

- Not having to pay a single penny for any of these
In return we make less money and spend more time doing something, you can grow and make drugs, sell these, rob people and the bank. I repeat again higher risk higher reward.

- 7-15 other officers backing you up
As much people that you can gather to back you up since everyone seems to be working together as of recently.

Sure, you dont have as much to choose from as criminals, but you get more or less the best raiding weapons, whilst the weapons you dont get are mostly pointless Filler guns, Substitutions and weapons that couldnt ethically be used by a police department.
You get the ability to sit at the end of a street with an AS50 and shoot anything with a flashing light coming up to the said street and kill it instantly. Take 5 seconds to reload it and fire away.

And the weapons that shred cops are actually harder to come by than you think, people rarely sell the top tier weaponry they make, leaving you to have someone make it for you, which takes time and money. Like the scenario with the bulletproof SWAT Van and TFU officers just saying "Well get a grenade lol only 5k" But grenades are hard to come by unless you know certain people.
Yeah but M4's are consistently being sold in the bazaar, so are AK's and as more people realize what weapons shred the SWAT van the more production is going to increase for those. Supply and demand, anyone who is interested in profit and has the ability to make weapons will sell these.

Something Police also have.
Police don't get a magical chat which can't be seen by anyone in surrounding area, they also don't get a TeamSpeak which allows them to alert everyone if they're in trouble by simply just talking without getting shot. You on TS? you simply say "why are you gun pointing me in front/behind of [place]" and everyone knows.

More or less the same for cops, they get more than enough that they truely need, only difference is, the only timely cost it takes is walking up to the armoury NPC
More than they ever need? Please, if they did I wouldn't have to teach TFO's how to use every advantage and a few cheeky tricks because it's not enough to just be a shooter most of the time. If they wouldn't need it it wouldn't be added.

And half the things you mentioned with your list are only available to 34 officers in the PD. with a limit of 6 in the server.

RTU Interceptors are faster than the majority of cars on the server.
Only accessible to Sergeant+ in RTU, and most cars people have can easily outrun it if you know how to drive decently.

I really don't see the problem with this: *You see a guy with a gun* *Spray the shit out of him* Simple. This is pretty much what happens in all of the raids I see.

If you fire without any context you shouldn't be an officer. I can't stress enough that when I train TFO's to find out what's happening before you do anything.

I'm going to stop making these stupid lists now because they take way too long to make.
I can't stress enough that when I train TFO's to find out what's happening before you do anything.
This. This is why you will die. If someone is standing in a shootout, with a firearm in hands, I will just straight up shoot them. They have no other reason to be there, they should be making an attempt to get away. When I responded to a raid on an apartment and made myself known and they failed to tell me if they were a defender, they would be getting shot as I have no way of telling if they are going to kill me or not.

Besides, if you have to respond to a situation without knowing what you are getting yourself into, that is the fault of bad teamwork, communication and is further reasoning as to why you will die. It's not that difficult to identify threats.
I'll just emphasise on the fact that criminals can easily go "kos"ing every police officer that they see while officers can't possibly know which person is going to start shooting at them. Lots of random people tend to stick around shootouts as well. Police need to be sure that the person they are going to shoot is an immediate danger to others, giving them a huge handicap.
Plenty of times I have been involved in big raid calls as a LEO. When the criminals kill the "first wave" of police, some officers that waited their nlr will normally respond again as they were told to from the radio only to be sprayed down by 5 automatic rifles once they arrive within a 150 meter zone.
This. This is why you will die. If someone is standing in a shootout, with a firearm in hands, I will just straight up shoot them. They have no other reason to be there, they should be making an attempt to get away. When I responded to a raid on an apartment and made myself known and they failed to tell me if they were a defender, they would be getting shot as I have no way of telling if they are going to kill me or not.

Besides, if you have to respond to a situation without knowing what you are getting yourself into, that is the fault of bad teamwork, communication and is further reasoning as to why you will die. It's not that difficult to identify threats.
We can't go around shooting everybody on sight we see, now of course if someone is standing in a shootout with a gun in his hands not one person in their right mind would just let him stand there and killing people after you've announced yourself but they don't is also something that happens but you can't apply that to every situation ever and assume that a division which is so heavily focussed around neutralizing threats would even consider just going around and shooting everybody they see. If you have seen the application box on the career page it states clearly that TFO's are a role-model.

Why would you try to make a point of officers going into the unknown though? That doesn't justify them shooting anything they see, it just gives more reason to get the context. Remember they are supposed to be law enforcing not criminals that just go in guns blazing to everything. Even restricted by use of force.
shooting everybody they see
Mind showing me where I said this? You can't because I didn't. I was somewhat specific with
If someone is standing in a shootout, with a firearm in hands, I will just straight up shoot them.

you can't apply that to every situation ever
If you are referring to firearms situations ... yes, you can. I don't see why you wouldn't. If someone is approaching you with a gun in their hand, chances are the round loaded in their chamber is going to be aimed at you or a colleague.

Why would you try to make a point of officers going into the unknown though?
I can't stress enough that when I train TFO's to find out what's happening before you do anything.
If you are the first responder, this doesn't apply. But in cases where a simple traffic stop results in a shootout (for whatever reason) and you have to respond, the officers involved should have already relayed the information and told you what you are up against so you can suppress the threat without really having to think about it.
a simple traffic stop results in a shootout (for whatever reason)

the officers involved should have already relayed the information and told you what you are up against so you can suppress the threat without really having to think about it.

If a traffic stop results in a shootout, I don't think the officers will live long enough to pass the info bc if they stopped a vehicle without any backup it means they think you are not a threat therefore the chances of survival are minimal, of course that if the guy is very bad maybe the officer can do that
- Any melee weapon.

We have to sacrifice our secondary weapons slot to get our melee weapons

Medics work both ways, not just magically just for cops.

We have to wait for one to be a mega retard and get close enough to kidnap without risk

You get the ability to sit at the end of a street with an AS50 and shoot anything with a flashing light coming up to the said street and kill it instantly. Take 5 seconds to reload it and fire away.

I dont get that choice because an AS50 is fucking expensive and I'm fucking shit.

You do as well if you act under law 2.1 or 2.2???

Don't think we can justify walking round with them in case cops wanna rape us tho.

We seem to have different opinions regarding this matter and its down to our play styles being very different. I dont grow, I make all my money in violent crime and government jobs, whilst your play style largely consists as a TFO (which you are good at, thanks for not insta-finishing me like @Samuel always does) and we can debate this as much as we can but won't ever reach a true and real stalemate.
Police departments can call in backup from the state, or other towns if necessary. If it gets to it, even the national guard (in the US). Now I don't think defenders should be allowed back either, but cops should just because of the fact that realistically (again, at least in the US) if the entire PD got gunned down you'd have the military outside to take you in.
Police departments can call in backup from the state, or other towns if necessary. If it gets to it, even the national guard (in the US). Now I don't think defenders should be allowed back either, but cops should just because of the fact that realistically (again, at least in the US) if the entire PD got gunned down you'd have the military outside to take you in.
can you stop comparing perp with real life
I honestly do think this would be more fair, as flankers would keep on coming back, Because I've experienced this a lot with people who came back after NLR expired.
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