Server Suggestion Refill Empty Fire Extinguishers At Fire Dept


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Suggestion Title: Refill Empty Fire Extinguishers At Fire Dept
Suggestion Description: Make it possible to refill empty fire extinguishers at the fire department for $500.

Why should this be added?:
- Realism (Fire extinguishers IRL are refilled at Fire Depts)
- Reduces the amount of empty extinguishers sitting in storage

What negatives could this have?:
- If more people have access to fire extinguishers, the Fire Dept might have less fires to fight (but I highly doubt people will stop and waste their times fighting fires)
- Can't really think of any
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Wait we're supposed to refill fire extinguishers? Huh I'll go and tell the guys at the fire department IRL that we're not doing our job as we should. The only extinguishers we can refill at the fire department are APW (Air Pressurized Water) and the ones ingame are ABC dry-chem (possibly CO2 alternatively) and those we definently can't fill. Only specialized stores can fill those.

As for the empty extinguishers thats people being lazy and not selling them when they should. Fires that we have ingame almost never start because of people but due to natural spawn well there is carbombs so that isn't a risk. Still I don't think we need this? People just buy 3-5 and have em in storage and replenish as needed. if they don't sell thats their fault. If fires were MORE common and dangerous then this might be a good idea.

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