Refund Request - 700K

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Your in-game name:
Aqua Tachibana & Darkness Tachibana

Steam ID:
STEAM_0:0:27163147 & STEAM_0:1:73368631 (My friend's)

What do you need refunded:
700,000$, 8 AK-101 mags fully loaded, 3 Rifle Ammo boxes.

Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Okay, I'll start by telling you guys the story while also adding the Evidence for you guys to see.

Me and my friend Darkness (@EiPUS) got the message that the drug dealer moved to fountain in business and then proceeded to buy business store 1.

We had guns on us (HK45 in this case), we kept on selling the drugs going back and forth to the storage.

At one point when both me and my friend were looking at the drug dealer a guy came behind us and shouted "Hands up" out of no where, we then both turned around, my friend Darkness engaged a fight with the guy so therefore I followed the combat myself, my friend Darkness died but I managed to kill the guy who mugged us, I then gun pointed the mugger's friend (who had no gun out) but he dodged clear view point, pulled a gun and killed me a few seconds later.

A few minutes later me and my friend get teleported to a sit handled by @LEWIS 088 & @Code Monkey which basically forced us to give the money (we tried to argue our way but didn't give them hard time and dropped all we had at that point).



I don't have a lot of experience nor the game mechanics knowledge to understand how such situation works but it feels like this situation is so unclear to me and so many others I've asked that it kinda feels unfair.

I wanna point out few things that the handling staff should take into consideration:


2. Only 1 guy talked to us while we were facing the drug dealer resulting in us thinking the situation was 2 of us versus 1 (we outnumber him). We had a fair shot at taking him out (Can clearly be seen in the demo after my friend fell I refragged).

3. When he mugged us he said "Hands up" and that's it there was no clarification on what actions to take (no turning around, no movement etc.)

4. In the last staff member meeting a clarification was given that "Clarified that when being gun pointed and told not to move from behind you may not pull your gun even if it is in passive stance." The fact that there needed to be a clarification on the specific situation clearly helps prove my point that this situation is very tricky and me and my friend acted from pure instinct.

5. We had a lot to lose and so did the other guy who mugged us, I think we both had a lot to lose equally that in no term him mugging us there was a safe call by his side.

I'd gladly talk about the situation with anyone!

Thanks for reading and hope you could maybe look into it.​
in what it sounds like is that he gun pointed you and your friend broke 3.4, also you should of been putting your money in the bank, this is kinda your fault.
Denied, if you feel this was dealt with improperly, feel free to make a staff complaint on myself and Lewis 088.
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